
Daoud Kuttab
Daoud Kuttab is a former professor at Princeton University and the founder and former director of the Institute of Modern Media at Al-Quds University in Ramallah.
Twitter: @daoudkuttab
Latest published
The world is no longer buying Netanyahu’s rhetoric
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu might think he can convince the world of the validity of his approach on Gaza but — as it has now become known even to most Israelis — no one is buying Bibi’s used goods.
Direct US-Hamas talks break Israel’s Gaza narrative monopoly
When I read about the recent direct talks between an official representative of the US and a high-level Hamas official, it jogged my memory back to the time of the First Intifada.
Israel responsible for the safety of people under its occupation
One of the strangest situations taking place in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict today is the Israeli and, to a certain extent, international attitude regarding the humanitarian situation in Gaza.
Israel now applying its ‘Gaza model’ in the West Bank
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict seems to have shifted from Gaza to the West Bank, with little international accountability, even though there are no hostages being held there.
Fears grow over future of Al-Aqsa prayer halls
Loud alarm bells are sounding in the royal court and waqf offices in Amman and Jerusalem as to the plans of radical Israeli groups, with staunch support from the Benjamin Netanyahu government, regarding Al-Aqsa Mosque.
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