
Ross Anderson
Ross Anderson is associate editor of Arab News, and former editor of the Sunday News, Belfast.
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There is sadly no cure for the stupidity virus
The madness, because that is what it is, began in earnest in 1998 with the publication in the respected British medical journal The Lancet of a study purporting to establish a link between autism and MMR — the vaccine that protects against measles, mumps and rubella.
Don’t be a Luddite, embrace artificial intelligence
The 20th-century British science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke famously observed that any sufficiently advanced technology was indistinguishable from magic.
Here is the news: if it’s not true, that’s your problem
For anyone foolish enough to obtain their news from the unregulated wild west of social media, or from websites populated by the increasingly bizarre output of artificial intelligence, this has not been a good week.
The ‘Reagan question’ is infallible ... even in Ireland
It was in October 1980, while debating against the incumbent Jimmy Carter during the US presidential election campaign, that Republican challenger Ronald Reagan posed what was simultaneously the simplest but also the most profound question ever asked of voters by a candidate.
Remembrance is a grave matter, not a spectator sport
War is futile, with no winners, only losers. No war ever solved a problem that could not have been better solved by other means, and no war ever solved a problem without creating another one.
The real treasures of Egypt are a long way from Cairo
On the one hand, it is hardly a ringing endorsement of Egypt’s ability to deliver large-scale infrastructure projects that the $1 billion Grand Egyptian Museum near the pyramids of Giza, which should have been completed in 2012, has finally opened its majestic doors, and only partially.
Mutual fear and mistrust denying Palestinians a state
It is an axiom in negotiations that those who are especially good at the job have an ability to place themselves in the shoes of the people with whom they are negotiating: to understand why they think as they think, do what they do, say what they say.
All eyes on Hezbollah ... but that’s the wrong place to look
Hezbollah has spent most of the past year lobbing rudimentary and largely ineffectual rockets in the general direction of northern Israel, whence most of the civilian population has in any case already long departed.