
Ray Hanania
Ray Hanania is an award-winning former Chicago City Hall political reporter and columnist. He can be reached on his personal website at
Twitter: @RayHanania
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Arab world-Arab American collaboration could be a game-changer
The driving force behind nearly every major conflict in the Arab and Muslim worlds, from Syria to Iraq and Afghanistan to Sudan, has been or is US foreign policy, in conjunction with individual American allies.
Arab Americans continue to lose out with ‘MENA’ designation
Arab Americans have been lobbying for years to be treated the same as other minority and racial groups when it comes to receiving benefits both nationally and at state level.
US politicians put Israel ahead of disaster-hit Americans
Israel is the largest recipient of US foreign aid, having received more than $310 billion (adjusted for inflation) since its founding in 1948. That funding has allowed Israel to arm and train its forces to fight wars and impose military rule over the lands it occupies.