Visionary global leadership in AI technology

Visionary global leadership in AI technology

Visionary global leadership in AI technology
Saudi Arabia’s AI journey is about ensuring that technology serves the betterment of humanity. (Shutterstock image)
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“Technology is best when it brings people together.” This sentiment, expressed by American entrepreneur and web developer Matt Mullenweg, captures Saudi Arabia’s dynamic approach to artificial intelligence and innovation perfectly. 

As I reflect on the Kingdom’s remarkable journey, I am inspired by its unwavering commitment to technological advancement and ensuring innovation serves humanity.

Saudi Arabia is not merely catching up with the future; it is leading the way, crafting a paradigm where technology, ethics and human well-being coalesce into a singular, transformative vision.

In the wake of National Day, Saudi Arabia stands as a beacon of excellence, demonstrating what it means to integrate AI responsibly and ethically, driving forward with a purpose that goes beyond mere technological prowess.

Through Vision 2030, the Kingdom is proving that technology can be harnessed not just to fuel economic growth but enrich lives, promote sustainability, and create a more connected and prosperous society.

Saudi Arabia’s AI journey is built on a foundation of responsibility and ethical governance. It is not just about being technologically advanced; it is about ensuring that technology serves the betterment of humanity.

The Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority has spearheaded initiatives that ensure AI development is aligned with principles of fairness, transparency and accountability. This strategic alignment ensures that AI is not just a tool of progress, but a force for good.

Under the framework of Vision 2030, Saudi Arabia has embedded AI into critical sectors, including healthcare, education and urban development, with a clear focus on human welfare.

AI is being used to transform the healthcare landscape, providing personalized medicine, enabling earlier diagnoses, and improving patient care in ways that were previously unimaginable. These advancements are fostering a healthier and more resilient population.

The Kingdom’s bold giga-projects are redefining what the future looks like, combining AI with sustainability to create smart, sustainable cities. More than just large-scale infrastructure, they represent Saudi Arabia’s vision of how technology can be seamlessly woven into the fabric of everyday life.

Saudi Arabia has embedded AI into critical sectors, including healthcare, education and urban development, with a clear focus on human welfare.

Dr. Maliha Hashmi


From AI-powered energy grids to smart transportation systems, these projects are leading the charge toward a future that prioritizes environmental stewardship and human well-being.

By harnessing AI for resource management, these projects are reducing carbon footprints, optimizing energy use and ensuring future generations can enjoy a world that is both technologically advanced and environmentally sustainable.

Saudi Arabia’s rise to prominence in the AI world is not by chance — it is the result of a well-thought-out strategy that places ethics at the heart of technological progress.

The Kingdom has quickly emerged as a global leader in AI, ranking among the top countries in the world for AI readiness and digital services. This rise is a testament to Saudi Arabia’s ability to merge technological advancement with ethical governance.

Collaborating with top global leaders in AI, Saudi Arabia has fostered an ecosystem of innovation that is built on strong ethical foundations. The Kingdom’s AI framework ensures the technology used is aligned with the highest global standards, promoting transparency, privacy and fairness.

This commitment to responsible AI development ensures that Saudi Arabia remains at the forefront of global technological leadership while maintaining its dedication to human welfare.

Looking ahead, Saudi Arabia is set to become not only a global leader in AI but also a pioneer in futurism across all sectors. From healthcare to urban planning, the Kingdom’s investments in technology and innovation reflect a deep commitment to creating a sustainable, human-centric future.

Saudi Arabia’s commitment to education, talent development, and infrastructure is building a society that is not just technologically advanced but also equipped to lead in every aspect of futurism.

The nation’s rapid advancements in AI and sustainability are not just for its own benefit — they are a message to the world that technology, when guided by ethics and human-centered values, can create a brighter future for all.

Alhamdulillah, the Kingdom’s journey is just beginning, and its future, powered by AI and shaped by ethical principles, promises to be a source of inspiration for generations to come.

Dr. Maliha Hashmi is a global health leader, winner of the Forbes Health Leadership Award 2022, recipient of the World Leaders Award, one of the Top Seven Most Talented Female Health Leaders of the MENA region, a C-level healthcare executive, a WEF Global Future Council Expert, and a V2O Delegate of the G20.


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KSrelief head participates in Sudan meeting on sidelines of UNGA

Supervisor General of KSrelief Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Rabeeah participates in a meeting on Sudan.
Supervisor General of KSrelief Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Rabeeah participates in a meeting on Sudan.
Updated 1 min 16 sec ago

KSrelief head participates in Sudan meeting on sidelines of UNGA

Supervisor General of KSrelief Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Rabeeah participates in a meeting on Sudan.
  • Al-Rabeeah said Saudi Arabia has “made great efforts since the beginning of the crisis in order to find means to bring hope back to” Sudan

RIYADH: The Supervisor General of King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Rabeeah participated in a meeting on Sudan on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Wednesday.

The meeting, called “The Cost of Inaction - Urgent and Collective Support to Scale Up the Humanitarian Response in Sudan and the Region,” aimed to strengthen support for the humanitarian response in Sudan and the region.

Representatives from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the US, the European Union, and the African Union took part in the high-level event.

Al-Rabeeah said Saudi Arabia is fully aware of its duty toward Sudan and has “made great efforts since the beginning of the crisis in order to find means to bring hope back to” the country.

“This includes the Jeddah declaration for the protection of civilians, as well as humanitarian access. There have also been efforts made on behalf of the working group to save lives and bring peace to Sudan so that we can reach thousands of people in Darfur.”

“However, the escalation of violence that has recently been seen in a number of regions has caused even further damage, which has pushed millions of people to flee their homes, leaving behind their families and their possessions,” he said.

Al-Rabeeah added that the Kingdom has allocated $3 billion of assistance to the country which has been distributed among the various regions and humanitarian sectors.

He said that KSrelief, even before the outbreak of the crisis in April 2023, has shifted toward implementing more sustainable interventions.

“The worsening of the security situation has, however, impacted the progress that had been made, which has required further efforts on our part. We have redoubled our efforts and stepped up our contributions. Since April 2023, we have launched a number of projects amounting to $73 million dollars,” the head of KSrelief said. 

Al-Rabeeah said that the Kingdom, together with the UN and other humanitarian organizations, has brought in assistance through land and sea routes. 

“We are providing support to the government and also carrying out a campaign to assist the Sudanese people with contributions above $125 million dollars. 

“However, despite all of these efforts made by our country, challenges remain, and the crisis requires coordinated efforts in order to bring unhindered humanitarian access to the country and provide a sustainable and coordinated response, as well as safe and unhindered access to areas affected by conflict.

“The international humanitarian community must bring a response to this humanitarian crisis in Sudan that goes beyond any political considerations. This is a humanitarian tragedy that requires us to overcome existing divisions,” he said. 

Al-Rabeeah added that the Kingdom is making significant efforts to make sure that the necessary assistance is delivered to the Sudanese people. 

UN Security Council must reform to ‘reflect realities of modern world’: Kuwait crown prince

UN Security Council must reform to ‘reflect realities of modern world’: Kuwait crown prince
Updated 1 min 40 sec ago

UN Security Council must reform to ‘reflect realities of modern world’: Kuwait crown prince

UN Security Council must reform to ‘reflect realities of modern world’: Kuwait crown prince
  • Sheikh Sabah reiterates support for Palestinian people, sovereignty of Lebanon and Sudan
  • Praises Saudi Arabia for helping to alleviate humanitarian crises in Syria, Libya, Yemen

NEW YORK CITY: The UN Security Council must reform to “reflect the realities of the modern world” and so it is equipped to deal with current and future challenges, Kuwait’s crown prince told the UN General Assembly on Thursday.

Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah also said it is vital that the international community maintain the UN’s effectiveness, especially amid current escalating global crises.

He stressed that global challenges such as conflicts, inequality and financial instability require “innovative and collective” solutions from key international institutions, including the UN.

Kuwait, he added, believes strongly in the importance of making the UNSC more representative and democratic.

Sheikh Sabah also reiterated Kuwait’s “unwavering” support for the Palestinian people and their struggle to establish an independent state based on the 1967 borders, and for Lebanon’s sovereignty.

“We condemn the illegal and inhumane actions of the Israeli occupation forces, including the destruction of homes and infrastructure, and the forcible displacement of Palestinian citizens, particularly in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank,” he said.

“We call on the international community to assume its responsibilities and put an end to the violations and injustices suffered by the Palestinian people under the ongoing Israeli occupation.

“We also condemn Israel’s continued violations of Lebanon’s sovereignty, including its repeated military incursions and violations of Lebanese airspace, which destabilize the region and disregard international law.”

Sheikh Sabah praised Saudi Arabia for its role in alleviating the humanitarian crises in regional countries such as Syria and Libya, and its support for the UN-recognized government in Yemen.

“We commend Saudi Arabia’s efforts in the political process in Yemen, and their leadership in supporting the legitimate government and promoting peace,” he said.

“We believe that the Saudi-led coalition’s efforts will pave the way for a political solution that ensures Yemen’s security and stability.”

The crown prince said Kuwait remains committed to providing humanitarian aid to the Sudanese people, and it is working closely with international organizations to ensure the delivery of necessary assistance.

He called for urgent international action to address the humanitarian crisis in Sudan, and urged all parties to respect the country’s “sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity.”

He urged Iran to respect international law and the sovereignty of its regional neighbors, adding that peaceful relations between countries in the Middle East are critical for stability.

“Kuwait fully supports the international community’s efforts to address concerns regarding Iran’s nuclear program,” he said.

“We urge Iran to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency and abide by international agreements to ensure the security and stability of the Gulf region.”

Sheikh Sabah congratulated Saudi Arabia on its successful bids to host the World Expo 2030 and the 2034 FIFA World Cup as a victory for the Kingdom and the region as a whole, which would highlight its “significant progress and its role on the international stage.”

All eyes on Iran’s balancing walk as IRGC’s Middle East proxies face Israel’s onslaught

All eyes on Iran’s balancing walk as IRGC’s Middle East proxies face Israel’s onslaught
Updated 2 min 23 sec ago

All eyes on Iran’s balancing walk as IRGC’s Middle East proxies face Israel’s onslaught

All eyes on Iran’s balancing walk as IRGC’s Middle East proxies face Israel’s onslaught
  • Tehran’s strategic restraint amid repeated blows signals a shift in its regional approach, some analysts suggest
  • Debate grows over President Pezeshkian’s conciliatory tone at the UNGA as Israel-Hezbollah tensions escalate

LONDON: On July 31, Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Hamas’ decision-making Political Bureau, was killed in the heart of Tehran.

As a prominent negotiator of an eagerly awaited ceasefire deal with Israel, Haniyeh would have made an unlikely target for an Israeli government looking to bring an end to the months of indiscriminate death and destruction being suffered in Gaza.

However, for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whom critics accuse of maintaining the impetus of perpetual war as a guarantee of clinging on to power, the audacious killing appeared to be a calculated provocation of Tehran, designed to escalate the war in Gaza into a regional conflict.

According to this line of thinking, other than vowing to avenge Haniyeh for the “cowardly action,” Tehran refused to play ball.

In much the same way, Iran’s reaction to the Israeli missile attack on an Iranian diplomatic mission in Damascus in April, in which senior members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps were killed, was unexpectedly muted. Iran’s response — a wave of missiles and drones that constituted its first direct attack on Israeli soil — was largely gestural, planned, telegraphed and executed deliberately to cause minimum damage and casualties.

This week, following the deadly pager-bomb attacks — widely believed to be carried out by Israel’s spy agency Mossad targeting Hezbollah operatives — and airstrikes, as Israeli troops massed on the border with Lebanon, critics said Netanyahu was poised once again to try to provoke Iran into a regional escalation.

And, once again, Tehran is exercising restraint.

Haniyeh could have been killed anywhere, at any time, but the timing and location of his death was chosen carefully. The former Palestinian prime minister was in Tehran for the inauguration of Iran’s new president, Masoud Pezeshkian — a moderate whose election and approval by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is seen by some commentators as a sign that Iran might be entering a new, conciliatory era, anathema to an Israeli leader dependent on perpetual conflict for his political survival.

The day before the killing of Haniyeh, Pezeshkian spoke in his inauguration speech of his determination to normalize his country’s relations with the rest of the world — an ambition underlined by the presence of Enrique Mora, the European Union’s chief nuclear negotiator.

This week, even as Israel is bombarding Lebanon and hitting Hezbollah hard, Iran has kept its finger off the trigger.

Not only that, but in an unprecedented and lengthy press conference with Western media at the UN in New York earlier this week, Pezeshkian spelled it out for anyone who had not already noticed the extent to which Iran has exercised restraint in the face of repeated provocation.

“What Israel has done in the region and what Israel tried with the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Iran was to drag us into a regional war,” he said. “We have exercised restraint so far, but we reserve the right to defend ourselves at a specific time and place with specific methods.”

But, he added: “We do not wish to be the cause of instability in the region.”

According to a report last month by the media outlet Iran International, citing sources “familiar with the subject,” in the wake of Haniyeh’s killing, Pezeshkian made the case for restraint directly to Ayatollah Khamenei, clashing with senior leaders of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps who wanted to launch attacks against Israel.

But the most remarkable evidence that Pezeshkian may be seeking a new path for Iran came on Tuesday, when he addressed the UN General Assembly in New York.

Predictably enough, he condemned the “atrocities” carried out in Gaza by Israel, which “in 11 months has murdered in cold blood over 41,000 innocent people, mostly women and children.”

Israel’s “desperate barbarism” in Lebanon, he added, must be halted “before it engulfs the region and the world.”

And then came the real message he had flown to New York to deliver: “I aim to lay a strong foundation for my country’s entry into a new era, positioning it to play an effective and constructive role in the evolving global order,” he said.

“My objective is to address existing obstacles and challenges while structuring my country’s foreign relations in cognizance of the necessities and realities of the contemporary world.”

Echoing the words of Iran’s equally new foreign minister, Abbas Araghchi, Pezeshkian indicated that Tehran was keen to reopen the nuclear negotiations from which former US president Donald Trump unexpectedly walked away in 2017.

He also made the case for ending sanctions, “destructive and inhumane weapons … endangering the lives of thousands of innocent people (and) a blatant violation of human rights.”

Iran, he added, “stands prepared to foster meaningful economic, social, political and security partnerships with global powers and its neighbors based on equal footing.”

Faced with Iran’s seemingly conciliatory new president, offering an olive branch at a time when Iran might normally be expected to be reaching for weaponry, experts are divided over whether or not Tehran is truly on a new course and set to defy expectations of its response to events in Lebanon.

“Pezeshkian and Araghchi receive their orders from Ayatollah Khamenei and from the National Security Council in Tehran and they thus don't have a mandate for some sort of a grand change in Iranian policies that would help end its pariah status,” said Arash Azizi, visiting fellow at Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future and author of the 2021 book “The Shadow Commander — Soleimani, the US, and Iran's Global Ambitions.”

“But they do have a mandate for lessening tensions, negotiating with the West, including the US, over Iran’s role in Ukraine and its nuclear program, and trying to get to some sort of a rapprochement that could help alleviate pressure on Iran and fix its economy.”

He added: “Any success Iran has in this path will strengthen the pro-reform factions in Iran and affect the trajectory of the country's future, especially a future after Khamenei dies.”

Ali Alfoneh, a senior fellow at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington and author of the book “Political Succession in The Islamic Republic of Iran,” believes Pezeshkian is uniquely positioned to effect change.

“Iranian President Pezeshkian presides over a cabinet composed of capable technocrats, who also happen to represent different factions among the ruling elites of the Islamic Republic,” he said.

“This rare combination of skills and representation not only provides Pezeshkian with the opportunity to engage in effective diplomacy, but also lessens the risk of domestic factional sabotage of his diplomatic efforts.”

Certainly, when it comes to events in Lebanon, Ali Vaez, Iran Project director with the International Crisis Group, said: “Iran is going to stand behind, not with, Hezbollah. Tehran’s forward defense strategy has always been based on projecting power beyond its borders and deterring, not inviting, strikes against its own territory.”

He added: “Iran seems convinced that expansion of the conflict now will benefit Israel, and it’s following a basic rule that what’s good for Israel can’t be good for Iran.”

Iran, said Sanam Vakil, director of the Middle East North Africa Program at the Royal Institute of International Affairs, was trying to keep two doors open at once.

“It needs to open negotiations with the West to manage its domestic economic crisis, but on regional issues it also needs to keep the Axis of Resistance alive. It’s a hard balance to strike, which is leading to challenges and changes in perception,” he said.

But the reasons behind Iran’s current diplomatic offensive remain “intriguing,” said Ahron Bregman, former Israeli soldier, author and senior teaching fellow in the Department of War Studies at King’s College London, specializing in the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Middle East peace process.

“Iranian diplomats excel at tightrope walking,” he said.

“Are they trying to end their pariah-state status, or is there a hidden agenda behind their somehow soft diplomatic approach? Does Iran genuinely want to reach an agreement with the West regarding its nuclear ambitions, or is it just trying to kill time?”

Either way, he added: “I believe that Iran doesn’t want to become directly involved in Lebanon, not least because they can see how destructive Israel’s air power is. I’m pretty sure that Iran was taken aback by the ferocity of the Israeli campaign in Lebanon, from the ‘James Bond’ pagers operation to the precise air attacks on Hezbollah’s weapons arsenal.

“But Iran reckons that Israel will struggle if the current campaign in the north turns into a war of attrition with Hezbollah, particularly if Israel invades Lebanon, where it will lose its advantages — the terrain in south Lebanon makes it difficult to use tanks and airpower.”

Urban Coningham, a RUSI research fellow specializing in the security and geopolitics of the Middle East, particularly in the Levant, is skeptical that President Pezeshkian is the face of genuine change.

“I don’t think that we can take this as evidence that Iran is willing to become a reliable security partner and actor in the region,” he said.

“Iran and its Axis of Resistance are in a uniquely weak position as one of their key members, Hezbollah, is under intense attack. Iran’s statement of willingness to come to the negotiation table is really its last tool of applying pressure upon Israel.

“This diplomatic pressure will be applied to Israel’s key allies, principally the US, to persuade Western policymakers that Iran and its network do not pose a threat and to dissuade Israel from continuing to escalate the conflict and isolate Netanyahu.”

Arshin Adib-Moghaddam, professor in Global Thought and Comparative Philosophies at SOAS University of London and author of the book “What is Iran?,” takes a more generous view of Tehran’s current stance.

“By virtue of its historical weight, strategic position and national resources, Iran will always be a central nodal point for the politics of the region and beyond,” he said.

“The reformist administration of President Pezeshkian follows a realistic and largely prudent assessment of this geopolitical centrality, which attempts to harness all the dividends that the power of Persia could bring about.”

In concrete terms, he added, “this approach has seriously restrained Iran’s responses to the onslaught spearheaded by the Netanyahu administration.

“As opposed to the rationale of maximum escalation that Netanyahu pursues with so much brutal desperation, Iran has been recurrently and consistently restrained in its responses, certainly relative to the offensive capabilities that the country possesses.

“Of course, Iran has its right-wing extremists, too. But in contrast to the situation in Israel, they are currently marginalized and the Iranian government around President Pezeshkian is composed of pragmatists and diplomats.”

It was, he added, to be regretted that, as yet, “the world has not taken advantage of this chance for peace, exactly because the Netanyahu administration has plunged the region, and indeed Israelis themselves, into the abyss of a horrendous inferno.”

For now, though, cynicism about Iran’s motives persists among seasoned Western diplomats.

“Iran is playing its usual mind games,” said Sir John Jenkins, a former British ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Syria, and consul-general in Jerusalem.

Talk of returning to the nuclear deal, he said, “in the eyes of some makes Iran look reasonable when it’s anything but, so it’s a niche bit of trolling.”

There are, he added, “no signs Tehran will abandon the militias, the Houthis, Hamas, let alone Hezbollah. Iran doesn’t want a hot war with Israel because it believes it can win a war of attrition, so persuading everyone that de-escalation is the answer is a victory in itself.

“If Israel degrades Hezbollah’s capabilities to the extent that it poses no credible threat to Israel, or if it looks as if that is achievable, then Iran may think again. But it wants to avoid the choice. Hence this blackly comic diplomatic farce.”

Madinah’s attractions enrich visitor experience

Madinah’s attractions enrich visitor experience
Updated 15 min 35 sec ago

Madinah’s attractions enrich visitor experience

Madinah’s attractions enrich visitor experience

MADINAH: The holy city of Madinah boasts several museums and exhibitions that highlight its historical heritage and serve as educational centers where visitors can immerse themselves in Islamic history.

The Al-Safiyyah Museum and Park is a cultural and tourist hub, covering over 4,400 sq. meters in the central area south of the Prophet’s Mosque.

Seamlessly blending knowledge with entertainment, it includes a museum where the story of creation is narrated in several languages, a public garden, and a range of diverse shops.

Meanwhile, the Prophet’s Mosque Expansion Exhibition offers an in-depth review of the mosque’s architectural history, detailing the expansions it has undergone since its initial construction.

Situated south of the mosque, the exhibition spans 2,200 sq. meters and features state-of-the-art technology with 187 interactive screens. It also houses a special hall dedicated to rare collectables and artefacts.

The exhibition aims to highlight the architectural marvels of the Prophet’s Mosque, emphasizing its distinctive features, historical importance and the Kingdom’s commitment to its preservation and to serving visitors.

Zelensky meets Biden after US unveils Ukraine military aid surge

Zelensky meets Biden after US unveils Ukraine military aid surge
Updated 26 min 42 sec ago

Zelensky meets Biden after US unveils Ukraine military aid surge

Zelensky meets Biden after US unveils Ukraine military aid surge
  • Zelensky’s visit was clouded by a blazing row with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump
  • “Russia will not prevail. Ukraine will prevail, and we’ll continue to stand by you every step of the way,” Biden said

WASHINGTON: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky met Joe Biden at the White House Thursday to present his wartime “victory plan,” after the US president announced an $8 billion surge in military aid for Kyiv’s fight against Russia.
But Zelensky’s visit was clouded by a blazing row with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump that underscored how November’s US election could upend the support that Kyiv receives from its biggest backer.
“Russia will not prevail. Ukraine will prevail, and we’ll continue to stand by you every step of the way,” Biden said as he hosted Zelensky in the Oval Office, after thanking him for presenting the so-called victory plan.
Dressed in his trademark military-style outfit, Zelensky replied that “we deeply appreciate that Ukraine and America have stood side by side.”
Zelensky is looking to shore up support for his war effort at the same time as Biden tries to lock in aid for Ukraine, ahead of the white-knuckle vote pitting Biden’s Vice President Kamala Harris against firebrand Trump.
The Democrat pledged nearly $8 billion in military aid in his announcement on Thursday, including $5.5 billion to be authorized before it expires at the end of the US fiscal year on Monday.
Biden said in a statement that the “surge in security assistance for Ukraine” would “help Ukraine win this war.”
Biden also announced Washington would provide Ukraine with the Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW) long-range munition and called a summit of allies in Germany in October.
The White House however played down Ukraine’s hopes that Zelensky’s visit would achieve his long-held goal of getting permission to fire long-range Western-made missiles into Russian territory.
“I’m not expecting there to be any new announcements on this particular action or a decision coming out of this meeting,” Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters.
Harris was due to meet Zelensky separately at the White House on Thursday.
Zelensky also visited the US Congress — where his government said he had also presented his victory plan — and gave a defiant address at the UN General Assembly on Wednesday.
But Zelensky’s visit has prompted fresh nuclear saber rattling from Moscow, which has repeatedly warned the West against giving Ukraine long-range arms.
President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday announced plans to broaden Moscow’s rules on the use of its atomic weaponry in the event of a “massive” air attack.
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken called the nuclear threat “totally irresponsible” while EU foreign policy spokesman Peter Stano said Putin was making a “gamble with his nuclear arsenal.”
Kyiv faces an increasingly difficult battlefield situation two and a half years into Russia’s invasion, with Russian forces continuing to push into eastern Ukraine.
But the US presidential election means Washington’s support now hangs on the balance — and with Zelensky apparently at odds with Trump and the Republicans.
Trump had also been due to meet Zelensky during his US visit, but their talks now appear to be on ice.
Trump accused Zelensky on the eve of the visit of refusing to strike a deal with Moscow and once again questioned why the United States was giving billions of dollars to Kyiv.
At an election rally on Wednesday, the Republican called the Ukrainian president “probably the greatest salesman on Earth.”
Republicans were livid after Zelensky visited an arms factory in Biden’s hometown in the battleground state of Pennsylvania earlier this week, with House Speaker Mike Johnson calling for the Ukrainian ambassador to be sacked.
Zelensky also sparked fury in Republican ranks when he told The New Yorker magazine this week that Trump and his running mate J.D. Vance did not understand the war’s complexity.
Trump has echoed many of Putin’s talking points about previous US policy being to blame for the Russian invasion, and has been critical of Zelensky for years.
The United States has provided around $175 billion in both military and economic assistance to Ukraine during the war, despite frequent opposition from Republicans.