Will AI destroy democracy or be its savior?

Will AI destroy democracy or be its savior?

Will AI destroy democracy or be its savior?
Even the most sophisticated AI systems are only as good as the data they’re fed. (Shutterstock image)
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Will AI destroy democracy or be its savior?In the bustling metropolis of Techville, where neon-lit skyscrapers and algorithm-driven traffic lights rule the streets, the latest buzz isn’t about the newest gadget or the trendiest AI companion. No, the citizens of Techville are grappling with a weightier issue — democracy and how AI might be its ruin or its savior.

The idea that AI could one day manage democracies has moved from science fiction to serious discourse in Techville’s coffee shops and university halls. Over a latte, the city’s philosophers debate whether AI could enhance the democratic process or if it’s a slippery slope toward technocratic tyranny.

The great expert on democracies, a figure whose name you’ll hear whispered with a mix of reverence and concern, once said: “Their worst enemy is the inequality between rich and poor.” It’s hard to imagine how a silicon-based overlord, devoid of human emotion, could tackle such a deeply human issue. Yet, here we are, asking: Could AI help resolve the growing chasm between the haves and the have-nots, or will it merely exacerbate it?

Let’s start with the concerns. Erica Benner, political philosopher and author of Adventures in Democracy, has much to say on the matter. “The dangers that threaten our political system are multifaceted,” she warns. And before you think she’s about to extol the virtues of a well-educated electorate, Benner throws us a curveball. “The solution,” she argues, “is not necessarily to have more educated citizens.”

Benner’s argument is both refreshing and unsettling. She suggests that the problem isn’t just the voters, but the very framework of democracy itself. In an AI-managed democracy, the risk isn’t just that the uneducated masses might be swayed by clever algorithms. The bigger issue is that AI could institutionalize biases, effectively cementing existing inequalities. In other words, the system that should be freeing us could end up shackling us in new ways.

Imagine an AI, designed to maximize efficiency and stability, which determines that the best way to run a country is by reinforcing the status quo. If the rich are happy, and the poor are pacified with just enough resources to keep them quiet, why change anything? The inequality that our democracy expert warned about could become a permanent feature — no longer a bug, but an intentional design choice.

There’s a certain allure to the idea of AI-driven governance. Algorithms, after all, aren’t susceptible to bribes, they don’t get tired, and they don’t have a stake in the next election cycle.

Rafael Hernandez de Santiago

But let’s not throw the AI out with the bathwater just yet. The optimists in Techville have a different vision. They see AI as the tool that could finally perfect democracy, eliminating corruption, inefficiency, and perhaps even the inequality that plagues our current systems. In a city where even the street sweepers discuss Kant over their morning coffee, the idea of an AI philosopher-king doesn’t seem so far-fetched.

There’s a certain allure to the idea of AI-driven governance. Algorithms, after all, aren’t susceptible to bribes, they don’t get tired, and they don’t have a stake in the next election cycle. “Imagine a world where policies are based purely on data,” muses one of Techville’s more starry-eyed tech entrepreneurs, “where decisions are made without the messy business of human emotions and biases.”

Yet, even the most sophisticated AI systems are only as good as the data they’re fed. And as any Techvillian worth their coding skills will tell you, data can be messy, biased, and incomplete. The irony here is rich. The very tools that promise to perfect democracy could end up corrupting it from within, not through malice or intent, but through the cold, unfeeling logic that AI thrives on.

Techville’s streets may be clean, and its governance hyper-efficient, but beneath the surface, the philosophical debate rages on. Can a democracy managed by AI truly be democratic? Or would it be democracy in name only, with the real power held by the engineers and data scientists behind the curtain?

There’s a delicious irony in the fact that the very tools we’ve created to serve us might end up ruling us instead. As Benner wryly notes in Adventures in Democracy: “Perhaps the greatest adventure of all is the one where we realize that the map we’ve been following leads us right back to where we started.”

In a city where irony is the local dialect and debate a civic duty, the discussion is far from over. Should we reinvent democracy to include our new AI overlords? Or should we be cautious, remembering that the tools we build to solve our problems often create new ones in their wake?

One thing is clear. Democracy, like any good piece of technology, might need a few updates. But whether those updates should be coded by humans or by AI is a question that even the smartest bots in Techville have yet to answer.

Rafael Hernandez de Santiago, viscount of Espes, is a Spanish national residing in Saudi Arabia and working at the Gulf Research Center.


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UN envoy repeats call for prioritization of efforts to end war in Yemen

The UN’s special envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, addresses a UN Security Council meeting on Thursday. (Screenshot)
The UN’s special envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, addresses a UN Security Council meeting on Thursday. (Screenshot)
Updated 13 min 34 sec ago

UN envoy repeats call for prioritization of efforts to end war in Yemen

The UN’s special envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, addresses a UN Security Council meeting on Thursday. (Screenshot)
  • Hans Grundberg urges all parties ‘to put Yemen first’ and work toward settlement of the conflict
  • Houthis have attacked more than 80 merchant ships since the war in Gaza began, seizing 1 vessel, sinking 2 and killing 4 sailors

LONDON: The UN’s special envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, on Thursday repeated his call for all involved in the war in Yemen to put the country first and prioritize efforts to resolve the conflict.

Addressing a meeting of the UN Security Council on the situation in the Middle East, he said the war in Gaza was having “destabilizing effects across the broader region,” including a negative effect on Yemen.

“Ansar Allah (the more formal name for the Houthis) has continued attacks on vessels in the Red Sea, threatening regional stability and international maritime security,” he told council members.

“In response, the United States and the United Kingdom have continued to strike military targets inside of Yemen.

“I reiterate my concern over this escalatory trajectory and repeat my call for the parties to put Yemen first and to prioritize a settlement of the conflict.”

The Houthis have attacked more than 80 merchant ships with missiles and drones since the war in Gaza began in October last year. They have seized one vessel and sunk two during their campaign, which has claimed the lives of four sailors. Many more missiles and drones were intercepted by the US-led coalition in the Red Sea or failed to reach their targets, which have also included Western military vessels.

The militia continues to insist it is targeting ships with links to Israel, the US or the UK, in an attempt to force an end to Israeli military operations in Gaza. However, many of the targeted ships had little or no connection to Israel or the conflict, including some that were bound for Iran.

Grundberg called for an “immediate ceasefire, the immediate and unconditional release of all remaining hostages, and a massive scale-up of humanitarian aid to Gaza.”

He said the Houthi attack on the Greek-flagged oil tanker Sounion on Aug. 21 was a “development of particular concern” and “raises the imminent threat of a catastrophic oil spill and environmental disaster of unprecedented scale.”

Following the attack, fires burned for weeks on the vessel, which is carrying about 1 million barrels of crude oil. Salvage efforts are continuing but proving difficult.

“An oil spill on this scale would have dire consequences for both Yemen and the broader region … I strongly urge Ansar Allah to end their dangerous targeting of civilian vessels in the Red Sea and beyond,” Grundberg said.

He also demanded that the Houthis release all of the Yemenis they have detained who were engaged in critical efforts related to humanitarian assistance, development efforts, human rights, peace building, and education.

“This includes United Nations personnel, members of civil society, staff of diplomatic missions, private-sector employees, and individuals from minority religious communities,” Grundberg said.

“The continued detention of these individuals is a profound injustice to those who have dedicated their lives to the betterment of Yemen. These detentions are shrinking civic space and negatively impacting humanitarian efforts critical to Yemenis.”

Joyce Msuya, the acting under-secretary-general for humanitarian affairs and acting emergency relief coordinator at the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, echoed this demand.

“I want to start by expressing our deep concern about the continued arbitrary detention of United Nations personnel, non-governmental organization staff and civil society representatives, among others, by the Houthi de facto authorities.

“These colleagues have now been detained for more than three months. Four additional colleagues remain in detention since 2021 and 2023. I reiterate, in the strongest terms, the secretary-general’s demand for their immediate and unconditional release.

“Additionally, we strongly reject false allegations by the Houthi de facto authorities against humanitarians, including recent claims of interference in Yemen’s education system. These allegations threaten the safety of staff, further hinder the ability of the UN and its partners to serve the Yemeni people, and must cease immediately.”

She told council members the steady deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Yemen continues.

“62 per cent of surveyed households report they do not have enough food to eat,” Msuya said. “This is historically high. For the first time on record, three districts — two in Hodeidah and one in Taiz — are facing extremely critical levels of malnutrition: IPC Phase 5. One more district is projected to reach this level by October.”

IPC is the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification, and level 5 denotes famine in an area and catastrophe for households there because they do not have enough food to meet basic needs.

“By the end of 2024, more than 600,000 children in Government of Yemen-controlled areas are estimated to be acutely malnourished, and around 118,000 are projected to suffer from severe acute malnutrition, a 34 per cent increase since 2023,” Msuya added.

Slovenia’s representative to the council, Samuel Zbogar, who is the president of the council this month, welcomed the World Food Programme’s ongoing emergency distribution of aid in Yemen.

“We are also following with concern the devastating impact of recent flooding, which has affected hundreds of thousands of Yemenis, aggravated the displacement crisis and exacerbated the outbreak of diseases,” he added.

Salman Rushdie’s memoir about his stabbing, ‘Knife,’ is a National Book Award nominee

Salman Rushdie’s memoir about his stabbing, ‘Knife,’ is a National Book Award nominee
Updated 18 min 57 sec ago

Salman Rushdie’s memoir about his stabbing, ‘Knife,’ is a National Book Award nominee

Salman Rushdie’s memoir about his stabbing, ‘Knife,’ is a National Book Award nominee
  • The National Book Foundation, which presents the awards, released long lists of 10 Thursday for nonfiction and poetry
  • The foundation announced the lists for young people’s literature and books in translations earlier in the week and will reveal the fiction nominees on Friday

NEW YORK: Salman Rushdie’s “Knife: Meditations After an Attempted Murder,” his explicit and surprisingly resilient memoir about his brutal stabbing in 2022, is a nominee for the National Book Awards. Canada’s Anne Carson, one of the world’s most revered poets, was cited for her latest collection, “Wrong Norma.”
The National Book Foundation, which presents the awards, released long lists of 10 Thursday for nonfiction and poetry. The foundation announced the lists for young people’s literature and books in translations earlier in the week and will reveal the fiction nominees on Friday. Judges will narrow the lists to five in each category on Oct. 1, and winners will be announced during a Manhattan dinner ceremony on Nov. 20.
Rushdie, 77, has been a literary star since the 1981 publication of “Midnight’s Children” and unwittingly famous since the 1988 release of “The Satanic Verses” and the death decree issued by Iran’s Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini for the novel’s alleged blasphemy. But “Knife” brings him his first National Book Award nomination; he was a British citizen, based in London, for “Midnight’s Children” and other works and would have been ineligible for the NBAs. Rushdie has been a US citizen since 2016.
Besides “Knife,” the nonfiction list includes explorations of faith, identity, oppression, global resources and outer space, among them Hanif Abdurraqib’s “There’s Always This Year: On Basketball and Ascension,” Rebecca Boyle’s “Our Moon: How Earth’s Celestial Companion Transformed the Planet, Guided Evolution, and Made Us Who We Are” and Jason De León’s “Soldiers and Kings: Survival and Hope in the World of Human Smuggling.”
The other nonfiction nominees were: Eliza Griswold’s “Circle of Hope: A Reckoning with Love, Power, and Justice in an American Church,” Kate Manne’s “Unshrinking: How to Face Fatphobia,” Ernest Scheyder’s “The War Below: Lithium, Copper, and the Global Battle to Power Our Lives,” Richard Slotkin’s “A Great Disorder: National Myth and the Battle for America,” Deborah Jackson Taffa’s “Whiskey Tender” and Vanessa Angélica Villarreal’s “Magical/Realism: Essays on Music, Memory, Fantasy, and Borders.”
Along with Carson’s “Wrong Norma,” poetry nominees include Pulitzer Prize winner Dianne Seuss’ latest, “Modern Poetry“; Fady Joudah’s elliptically titled “(...)”; Dorianne Laux’s “Life on Earth”; Gregory Pardlo’s “Spectral Evidence”; and Rowan Ricardo Phillips’ “Silver.”
Others on the poetry list were Octavio Quintanilla’s “The Book of Wounded Sparrows,” m.s. RedCherries’ “mother,” Lena Khalaf Tuffaha’s “Something About Living” and Elizabeth Willis’ “Liontaming in America.”

EU foreign policy chief urges de-escalation at Lebanon-Israel border

EU foreign policy chief urges de-escalation at Lebanon-Israel border
Updated 17 sec ago

EU foreign policy chief urges de-escalation at Lebanon-Israel border

EU foreign policy chief urges de-escalation at Lebanon-Israel border
  • US envoy visits Israel to warn against large-scale military action
  • Hezbollah adds another Israeli settlement to target list

BEIRUT: EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell has called for a de-escalation of tensions on the Lebanon-Israel border, expressing fears of “more regional escalation due to the war in Gaza and especially in Lebanon.”

He called on Lebanese leaders to work for the interests of their country and its people and “not for someone else’s interests.”

During a visit to Beirut on Thursday, Borrell met with Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati, Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib, and Commander of the Lebanese Armed Forces Joseph Aoun.

He said that “the full implementation of UN Resolution 1701 should pave the way for a comprehensive settlement, including the demarcation of land borders between Lebanon and Israel.”

With more than 4,000 buildings completely destroyed and some 110,000 people having fled their homes in Lebanon, he said its people wanted peace, stability and prosperity — not war.

He added: “My main message today is that the EU stands with the Lebanese people to overcome the challenges as much as possible.”

Borrell warned that fears of further escalation and increased human suffering were growing and emphasized the importance of economic reform and bank restructuring.

The EU was ready to continue its support for Lebanon, he added: “We can help but we cannot overcome the internal obstacles. The Lebanese themselves can do so.”

Borrell’s meetings came amid ongoing hostilities between Hezbollah and the Israeli army on the Lebanese southern front.

Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri told Borrell: “Lebanon doesn’t want war but has the right and the capacity to defend itself.”

Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati emphasized “the necessity to intensify the international and UN pressure to stop the ongoing Israeli aggression against Lebanon.”

Israeli Channel 12 reported that US envoy Amos Hochstein had arrived in Israel with a message that the country should refrain from large-scale military action in Lebanon. The channel said both the US and Israel realized a war with Hezbollah could lead to a multi-front conflict, but while Hochstein would make efforts for settlement in the north, such agreement was linked to a ceasefire in Gaza.

Israeli action against Hezbollah has increased in recent days. The militia added the settlement of Rosh HaNikra to its list of targets for the first time, along with Matzuva which was hit with salvos of rockets.

A statement said this was “in response to Israel’s attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe civilian homes, particularly the two wronged martyrs in El Biyada.”

In the town of El Biyada, an Israeli combat drone targeted a motorcycle and killed two brothers aged 12 and 17. Israeli artillery north of Ein Yaakov came under rocket fire, while Bayad Blida and Al-Malikiyah was attacked with heavy artillery shells.

Israeli media reported a fire north of Nahariya as a result of rocket fire from southern Lebanon, saying 50 rockets had been launched toward Western Galilee.

Israeli artillery shelled the outskirts of Alma Al-Shaab and the Labouneh area in Naqoura, and a drone targeted the outskirts of Maroun Al-Ras Park.

Israeli reconnaissance aircraft continued to fly over southern areas, especially western and central villages, extending to the outskirts of the Litani River and the coast.

Car blast kills four in Israel city: medics, police

Car blast kills four in Israel city: medics, police
Updated 30 min 55 sec ago

Car blast kills four in Israel city: medics, police

Car blast kills four in Israel city: medics, police
  • The Israeli police said it had launched an investigation into the cause of the explosion
  • It was suspected to be linked to “a criminal conflict between crime families in the Arab neighborhood“

RAMLA, Israel: Four people were killed and eight injured when a vehicle exploded in the central Israeli city of Ramla on Thursday in an apparent gangland hit, medics and police said.
Liad Aviel, spokesman for the Asaf Harofe Medical Center in central Israel, said it “mourns the deaths of four individuals injured in the Ramla incident,” adding that six other casualties were receiving treatment there.
The Israeli police said it had launched an investigation into the cause of the explosion which was suspected to be linked to “a criminal conflict between crime families in the Arab neighborhood.”
Israel’s far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir visited the site of the explosion and said police would “continue to fight this crime with all the tools at its disposal.”
“But I warn: crime in the Arab community requires more extensive tools and broader powers.”
Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid criticized Ben-Gvir’s visit to the scene.
“There have been incompetent ministers before him, but he’s the first to turn failure into a profession,” he wrote on social media platform X.
Israel’s emergency medical service Magen David Adom said the vehicle “exploded while parked on the sidewalk near a store and residential building” in Ramla.
“As a result of the explosion, several passersby were injured by the blast and shrapnel,” rescue worker Benny Cohen said in a statement.
“The burning car was parked next to the store entrance, which prevented people inside the store from getting out.
“We moved the injured we were treating away from the fire scene... The rescued victims were unconscious, and our teams began advanced resuscitation efforts and transported them to hospitals in critical condition.”
Liat Cohen, another paramedic at the scene, said the unconscious victims included a month-old infant and a 50-year-old woman.
All suffered from smoke inhalation and were transported to hospital, he said.
“They tell us it’s a settlement of personal scores, but an explosion downtown in midday in a crowded area, that’s crazy,” Judith Touati, a Ramla resident and mother of seven, told AFP.
“My children were there just an hour before.”
Located east of Israel’s commercial hub of Tel Aviv, Ramla is a mixed city, home to both Jews and Arabs.
Arab communities in Israel have long complained of violence connected to organized crime.
Organizations such as the Mossawa Center, a nonprofit representing Arabs in Israel, argue such violence should receive more attention from the government.

David Beckham arrives in Sweden for funeral of former England coach Sven-Goran Eriksson

David Beckham arrives in Sweden for funeral of former England coach Sven-Goran Eriksson
Updated 42 min 33 sec ago

David Beckham arrives in Sweden for funeral of former England coach Sven-Goran Eriksson

David Beckham arrives in Sweden for funeral of former England coach Sven-Goran Eriksson
  • Beckham was England’s captain under Eriksson, who was in charge of the team from 2001-06
  • Beckham was pictured in Swedish media checking into a hotel in Karlstad

KARLSTAD, Sweden: England soccer great David Beckham arrived in Sweden on Thursday ahead of the funeral of Sven-Goran Eriksson, his former national-team coach.
Eriksson died on Aug. 26 at the age of 76, eight months after he revealed he had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and had at most one year to live.
Beckham was England’s captain under Eriksson, who was in charge of the team from 2001-06, and visited his former coach in Sweden in June.
Swedish news agency TT reported that Beckham landed in the early evening on Thursday at Karlstad airport, which is a short drive from Torsby — a town, located about 310 kilometers (193 miles) west of Stockholm, where the funeral will take place Friday in the 600-seat Fryksande church. Beckham was pictured in Swedish media checking into a hotel in Karlstad.
Torsby is in the region of Varmland, where Eriksson grew up and died.
After the church ceremony on Friday, a musical procession will accompany the coffin that will be transported the 700 meters (766 yards) to a museum in Torsby with a large number of original wooden houses with traditional furnishings. Speeches and eulogies will be given there.
“It is an honor to be able to come to his funeral, although it is a sad day,” Roy Hodgson, another former England coach who also arrived in Torsby on Thursday, was quoted as saying by the local Warmlands Folkblad outlet.