Voices of peace can find strength through unity

The late King Hussein of Jordan once shared a poignant message in an interview with a magazine, highlighting that the dividing line does not exist between Jordan and Israel but between the proponents and opponents of peace.
His words resonate deeply today as we witness ongoing efforts to sow division and hatred, eroding the prospects for peace in the region. It is truly disheartening to see attempts to drive a wedge between the daughters and sons of Abraham.
Looking at recent developments in the US and Europe, it is concerning to witness the spread of division and hatred within Jewish and Muslim communities. It is a stark reminder of the voices that stand against peace, as described by the late king.
Let us join hands and strive to foster empathy and understanding, standing together in our pursuit of hope and peace within our communities. Each one of us, as a member of the Jewish, Muslim or Christian community, has a crucial role to play in this journey toward peace.
As history has shown, when a minority becomes a scapegoat, it inevitably affects other minorities as well. Recent statistics reveal a disturbing increase in antisemitic and Islamophobic attacks. This urgent issue must be addressed collaboratively by Jews and Muslims.
The time for action is now. Long-term solutions to combat those sowing division and hatred can only be effective if Abraham’s descendants unite, standing with one voice against those who seek to lead our children and grandchildren into a future marred by destruction, warfare and hate.
There is much work ahead, but my commitment to collaborate with Arab and Jewish communities against hatred and division is unwavering. And I am excited that I have partners on both the Jewish and Muslim sides who are committed to joining me in this fight.
Hope blooms from ideas that pave the way forward. Recent discussions with senior officials from Arab states, the US and Europe have seen growing support for the concept of a “NATO for the Middle East,” as people increasingly acknowledge the threat posed to the region by the opponents of peace and its proxies.
Additionally, more leaders are embracing the notion of a “Marshall plan” for the Palestinian territories, which could eventually lead to a two-state solution. I initially presented both these ideas in this publication and their traction is a cause for optimism.
Both Israelis and Palestinians deserve the chance to live and dream of a peaceful and prosperous future for their children.
Ronald S. Lauder
Despite the challenges on our journey toward a more peaceful world, I remain hopeful that those advocating for peace will ultimately prevail.
My optimism stems from encounters with other voices of hope and peace. Recently, several friends, both Jews and Muslims from different parts of the world, shared with me the story of an Israeli-Palestinian youth chorus that took part in the TV show “America’s Got Talent.” I must confess that I do not usually watch this show, but seeing so many individuals from diverse backgrounds reaching out to me with the same news was remarkable.
After listening to their song “Home” and watching their interview, I understood why this group of young performers had touched so many people of different backgrounds. They represented voices of hope. One of the girls from the chorus told the judges: “We are the Jerusalem Youth Chorus, a group of Palestinians and Israelis. We believe through music, working together and communicating, we are moving toward creating a future where justice, freedom, equality and inclusion exist.”
I saw a group of young individuals standing up against hatred and division at that moment. They taught us leadership and courage by uniting as a voice for hope, peace and a brighter future. The chorus could be an example of what the future of the region and the children of Abraham could be: A future where Israelis and Palestinians — including Jews, Christians and Muslims — come together in the spirit of mutual understanding, free from hate and terror, to build a better world. Their story is a beacon of hope, showing us that a brighter future is within our reach.
As I watched them sing, my heart ached for all the innocent civilians who have lost their lives in the recent conflicts — young women and men, boys and girls, both Israeli and Palestinian. It breaks my heart to think about the potential futures they could have had and the positive impact they could have made in this world if it were not for the voices of the opponents of peace. The tremendous destruction caused by those opposed to peace, igniting the flames of conflict on Oct. 7, is devastating.
I firmly believe empowering those who advocate for peace is crucial. We must establish a clear path forward; the two-state solution is the only viable long-term option. We must acknowledge that this region has been the historical home of Jews, Christians and Muslims for millennia.
Both Israelis and Palestinians deserve the chance to live and dream of a peaceful and prosperous future for their children. We cannot let terrorism and the threat to a nation’s existence dictate our future. It is time for the proponents of peace to come together and raise their voices. Let us unite under the banner of #2states4peace and work toward a better future for all. Remember, our strength, as proponents of peace against the opponents of peace, lies in our unity.
• Ronald S. Lauder is president of the World Jewish Congress. X: @lauder_ronald