Even Mother Earth’s fury has failed to awaken us

Even Mother Earth’s fury has failed to awaken us

Even Mother Earth’s fury has failed to awaken us
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Mother Earth has been the archetype of generosity and graciousness for as long as our planet has existed. Like every mother, though, there is a point where we push her too far and she loses her patience.

Even before the coronavirus pandemic, Mother Earth had already been giving us polite warnings that we were pushing her and our planet too far. Since then, she has started to show her frustration more frequently.

And yet we have continued to ignore the rapidly deteriorating state of our environment to the point where it is starting to threaten our very existence.

The weapons used in Gaza, Ukraine, Sudan, and elsewhere to destroy families and territories are not unlike the tools we humans have turned on Mother Earth, cutting down and torching her forests, parching her of freshwater, poisoning her soil, and overexploiting her resources.

We are right to be concerned about the harm humans are inflicting upon other humans, but we should be far more concerned by the existential threat posed to humanity by our wretched destruction of the environment that sustains us.

As we look around us, we see lakes and arable land disappear, pollinating insects dwindle, fish vanish from our oceans, and weather phenomena become ever more extreme.

We have continued to ignore the rapidly deteriorating state of our environment to the point where it is starting to threaten our very existence.

Hassan bin Youssef Yassin

The year 2023 was not only the hottest on record; it was an outlier in the trend of global warming, a slowly rising line suddenly turning exponential. 

Livelihoods around the world are being decimated by the greed of our fishing fleets, intensive agriculture, and our collective inability to acknowledge the harm, waste, and pollution that our daily lives inflict on the planet.

Despite our highly advanced information and communication technologies, empathy and understanding are losing ground, creating division at the very moment that we most need cooperation to stave off this common threat.

The hurt and delusion, the staggering self-interest of the media, corporations, and politicians, and the tragic blindness and complacency of humanity are all leading us toward the precipice.

Even the rage of Mother Earth has failed to awaken us. Must it take an even greater natural disaster to jolt us into action before it is too late? 

Hassan bin Youssef Yassin worked closely with Saudi Arabia’s petroleum ministers Abdullah Tariki and Ahmed Zaki Yamani from 1959-67. He led the Saudi Information Office in Washington from 1972-81 and served with the Arab League’s observer delegation to the UN from 1981-83.

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Erdogan says UEFA ban on Turkiye’s Demiral ‘political’

Erdogan says UEFA ban on Turkiye’s Demiral ‘political’
Updated 6 min 16 sec ago

Erdogan says UEFA ban on Turkiye’s Demiral ‘political’

Erdogan says UEFA ban on Turkiye’s Demiral ‘political’

ISTANBUL: President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday said UEFA’s two-game ban on Turkiye defender Merih Demiral for making a ultra-nationalist salute was “political” and overshadowed the championship.

The Turkish leader canceled his visit to Azerbaijan and traveled to Berlin on Saturday to watch the quarter-final at the Olympiastadion in the German capital, which tens of thousands of Turks attended.

The Netherlands came from behind to beat Turkiye 2-1 to reach the Euro 2024 semifinals.

Demiral, who scored twice against Austria, could not play Saturday after UEFA suspended him for two matches after making a controversial salute during celebrations, associated with Turkish right-wing extremist group Grey Wolves.

“To put it bluntly, UEFA’s two-match ban for Merih has cast a serious shadow over the championship,” Erdogan was quoted as telling journalists on a plane from Berlin, the official Anadolu news agency reported.

“This cannot be explained, it is a purely political decision,” he added.

Erdogan however said the decision did not affect the team’s motivation.

“Despite all the negatives... we watched a thrilling game,” Erdogan said.

Turkiye coach Vincenzo Montella said Friday that Demiral’s ban was “unfair.”

West Africa bloc warns of ‘disintegration’ after juntas solidify split

West Africa bloc warns of ‘disintegration’ after juntas solidify split
Updated 42 min 17 sec ago

West Africa bloc warns of ‘disintegration’ after juntas solidify split

West Africa bloc warns of ‘disintegration’ after juntas solidify split
  • The head of the ECOWAS Commission, Omar Alieu Touray, said the Sahel countries’ withdrawal risked “political isolation,” losing millions of dollars in funding and hampering freedom of movement

ABUJA: The West African bloc ECOWAS on Sunday warned the region faced “disintegration” after the military rulers of Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso cemented a breakaway union.
The three countries formed a “Confederation of Sahel States” at a meeting on the eve of the Economic Community of West African States leaders’ summit, marking another test for the bloc they declared they were splitting from earlier this year.
ECOWAS is already wrestling with sweeping jihadist violence, financial trouble and challenges mustering a regional force.
It was not clear what action the bloc would take after its summit in Abuja, though Nigeria’s President Bola Ahmed Tinubu called on Senegal’s new leader to serve as a “special envoy” with Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger, without providing details.
The head of the ECOWAS Commission, Omar Alieu Touray, said the Sahel countries’ withdrawal risked “political isolation,” losing millions of dollars in funding and hampering freedom of movement.
The break would also worsen insecurity and disrupt the work of the long-proposed regional force, Touray said.
“Our region is facing the risk of disintegration,” he warned.
The juntas in Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso came to power in a series of coups over recent years and announced their intention to leave ECOWAS in January.
They have shifted away from former colonial ruler France and expelled French troops, with Niger’s General Abdourahamane Tiani calling for the establishment of a “community far removed from the stranglehold of foreign powers.”
“Our people have irrevocably turned their backs on ECOWAS,” Tiani said at the Sahel group meeting in Niamey on Saturday, rebuffing the bloc’s pleas to come back into the fold.
The three countries’ decision to leave was fueled in part by their accusation that Paris was manipulating ECOWAS and not providing enough support for anti-jihadist efforts.
Several West African leaders have called for the resumption of dialogue, and Sunday’s summit was the first for new Senegalese President Bassirou Diomaye Faye, who said in May that reconciliation was possible.
“We must do everything we can to avoid the withdrawal of these three brotherly countries from ECOWAS,” he said Sunday, adding that reforms were needed to “adapt ECOWAS to the realities of our times.”
Niger’s ties with ECOWAS deteriorated following the July 2023 coup that brought Tiani to power, which saw the bloc impose sanctions and threaten to intervene militarily to restore ousted president Mohamed Bazoum.
The sanctions were lifted in February but relations remain bitter.
ECOWAS has also been discussing how it can fund a “regional force to combat terrorism and restore constitutional order.”
It has suggested establishing an initial 1,500-member unit, and one proposal was to then muster a brigade of 5,000 soldiers at a cost of around $2.6 billion a year.
ECOWAS has launched military interventions in the past, but its threat of doing so after the coup in Niger fizzled out.
As the bloc grapples with regional challenges, Touray warned it was facing a “dire financial situation.”
ECOWAS also said President Tinubu would stay on as chair, despite reports of a rift over his reappointment.

As US troops leave Niger base, Germany says it would also end its operation in Niamey

As US troops leave Niger base, Germany says it would also end its operation in Niamey
Updated 42 min 45 sec ago

As US troops leave Niger base, Germany says it would also end its operation in Niamey

As US troops leave Niger base, Germany says it would also end its operation in Niamey
  • The US had around 650 soldiers in Niger as part of anti-jihadist missions in several Sahel nations of West Africa
  • Niger’s military leaders scrapped a military cooperation deal with the US in March, after seizing power in a July 2023 coup

NIAMEY, Niger: US troops have completed a withdrawal from their base in Niger’s capital of Niamey and will fully depart from Agadez in the north before a September 15 deadline set by the country’s military rulers, both countries said Sunday.
Niger’s military leaders scrapped a military cooperation deal with Washington in March, after seizing power in a July 2023 coup.
The United States had around 650 soldiers in Niger as part of anti-jihadist missions in several Sahel nations of West Africa, including a major drone base near Agadez.
“The defense ministry of Niger and the US Defense Department announce that the withdrawal of American forces and equipment from the Niamey base 101 is now completed,” the two countries said in a statement.
A final flight carrying US troops was due to leave Niamey late Sunday.
The US presence had stood at around 950 troops, and 766 soldiers have left Niger since the military ordered their departure, AFP learned at a ceremony at the base attended by Niger’s army chief of staff Maman Sani Kiaou and US General Kenneth Ekman.
“American forces are now going to focus on quitting air base 201 in Agadez,” the statement said, insisting that the withdrawal would be completed by September 15 as planned.
Niger had already ordered the withdrawal of troops from France, the former colonial power and traditional security ally, and has strengthened ties with Russia which has provided instructors and equipment.
On Saturday, Germany’s defense ministry also said it would end operations at its air base in Niger by August 31 following the breakdown of talks with military leaders.
A similar shift has taken place in neighboring Mali and Burkina Faso, which are also ruled by military leaders and faced with violence from jihadist groups.

French leftist leader Melenchon says left ‘ready to govern’

French leftist leader Melenchon says left ‘ready to govern’
Updated 08 July 2024

French leftist leader Melenchon says left ‘ready to govern’

French leftist leader Melenchon says left ‘ready to govern’

PARIS: The French left is “ready to govern,” divisive hard-left leader Jean-Luc Melenchon said Sunday, after predictions showed a broad left-wing alliance could be the largest group in parliament ahead of the far right.
“Our people have clearly rejected the worst-case scenario,” said the three-time presidential candidate of the France Unbowed (LFI) party.
Leftist parties including LFI, the Socialist Party, the Greens and the Communist Party joined forces last month to form the New Popular Front (NFP) after President Emmanuel Macron called snap polls.
Prime Minister Gabriel Attal “has to go... The New Popular Front is ready to govern,” Melenchon said.
It is unclear who might be the alliance’s top candidate to be prime minister, with Melenchon a divisive figure even among some supporters of his own party.
Within Melenchon’s party, LFI lawmaker Clementine Autain called on the NFP alliance to gather on Monday to decide on a suitable candidate for prime minister.
The alliance, “in all its diversity,” needed “to decide on a balance point to be able to govern,” she said, adding neither former Socialist president Francois Hollande nor Melenchon would do.
The leader of the Socialist Party (PS) Olivier Faure urged “democracy” within the left-wing alliance so they could work together.
“To move forward together we need democracy within our ranks,” he said.
“No outside remarks will come and impose themselves on us,” he said in a thinly veiled criticism of Melenchon.

Raphael Glucksmann, co-president of the smaller pro-European Place Publique party in the alliance, said everyone was going to have to “behave like adults.”
In the projections, “we’re ahead, but in a divided parliament... so people are going to have to behave like adults,” he said.
“People are going to have to talk to each other.”
Communist leader Fabien Roussel, who lost his seat in the first round, said the left would rise up to the task ahead.
“The French have asked us to succeed. And we accept that challenge,” he said.
Marine Tondelier, the 37-year-old leader of the Greens, said it was too early to start suggesting the name of a prime minister.
But “we will rule,” she said.
Macron made the gamble of calling the parliamentary polls three years early after the far right trounced his centrist allies in European elections.
Stephane Sejourne, the secretary-general of Macron’s Renaissance party who has been foreign minister, won a seat in Sunday’s polls.
It is “obvious... Melenchon and a certain number of his allies cannot govern France,” he said.
“The lawmakers from the centrist bloc will ensure this in parliament.”

US envoy to Japan expresses regret over alleged sex crimes by military personnel in Okinawa

US envoy to Japan expresses regret over alleged sex crimes by military personnel in Okinawa
Updated 08 July 2024

US envoy to Japan expresses regret over alleged sex crimes by military personnel in Okinawa

US envoy to Japan expresses regret over alleged sex crimes by military personnel in Okinawa
  • The cases are a reminder to many Okinawans of the 1995 rape of a 12-year-old girl by three US service members, which sparked massive protests against the US presence

TOKYO: US Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel expressed regret on Saturday for the handling of two cases of sexual assaults allegedly committed by American military personnel on Okinawa, which have again stoked resentment of the heavy US troop presence on the strategic island in Japan’s far southwest.
The issue broke out late last month, triggering an uproar over reports that two American service members had been charged with sexual assaults months earlier.
Both cases were first reported in local media in late June. In one arrest made in March, a member of the US Air Force was charged with the kidnapping and sexual assault of a teenager, and while in May a US Marine was arrested on charges of attempted rape resulting in injury. Further details about the alleged victims were not released.
Okinawa police said they did not announce the cases out of privacy considerations related to the victims. The Foreign Ministry, per police decision, also did not notify Okinawa prefectural officials.
The cases are a reminder to many Okinawans of the 1995 rape of a 12-year-old girl by three US service members, which sparked massive protests against the US presence. It led to a 1996 agreement between Tokyo and Washington to close a key US air base, although the plan has been repeatedly delayed due to protests at the site designated for its replacement on another part of the island.
Emanuel said he deeply regretted what happened to the individuals, their families and their community, but fell short of apologizing. “Obviously, you got to let the criminal justice process play out. But that doesn’t mean you don’t express on a human level your sense of regret.”
“We have to do better,” he said, adding that the US military’s high standards and protocols for education and training of its troops was “just not working.”
Emanuel said the US may be able to propose measures to improve training and transparency with the public at US-Japan foreign and defense ministers’ security talks expected later this month in Tokyo.
On Friday, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi said the Japanese authorities would do their utmost to provide more prompt disclosures of alleged crime related to US military personnel on Okinawa while protecting victims’ privacy.
The cases could be a setback for the defense relationship at a time when Okinawa is seen increasingly important in the face of rising tensions with China.
Some 50,000 US troops are deployed in Japan under a bilateral security pact, about half of them on Okinawa, where residents have long complained about heavy US troop presence and related accidents, crime and noise.
Emanuel commented on the issue while visiting Fukushima, on Japan’s northeast coast.
Earlier Saturday, the ambassador visited the nearby town of Minamisoma to join junior surfers and sample locally-caught flounder for lunch, aiming to highlight the safety of the area’s seawater and seafood amid ongoing discharges of treated and diluted radioactive water from the tsuamni-ruined Fukusima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
China has banned Japanese seafood over the discharges, a move Emanuel criticized as unjustified.