Frankly Speaking: Saudi Human Rights Commission chief outlines mandate, ambitions

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Updated 20 May 2024

Frankly Speaking: Saudi Human Rights Commission chief outlines mandate, ambitions

Frankly Speaking: Saudi Human Rights Commission chief outlines mandate, ambitions
  • Hala Al-Tuwaijri cites “rapid advances, huge transformation” in women’s empowerment, particularly in the labor force
  • Describes “humbling responsibility” of handling human rights file, highlighting need for judicial reform

DUBAI: Saudi Arabia is undergoing a “huge transformation” in relation to women’s empowerment thanks to comprehensive reforms to legal, civil, and social rights, Hala Al-Tuwaijri, the first woman to lead the the country’s Human Rights Commission, has said.

The Kingdom has seen rapid advances in the representation of women in positions of leadership, from Princess Reema bint Bandar Al-Saud, the first female Saudi ambassador to the US, to Sara Al-Suhaimi, the first female chair of Tadawul, the Saudi stock exchange.

Indeed, Al-Tuwaijri’s own appointment as president of the Human Rights Commission with the rank of minister back in September 2022 is proof in itself of the tectonic changes underway in Saudi Arabia.

“Those are examples of women who made it to the top. (But) that’s basically the tip of the iceberg,” Al-Tuwaijri told Katie Jensen, host of the Arab News current affairs program “Frankly Speaking.”

“What has actually happened in Saudi Arabia is a huge transformation, especially when it comes to the issue of women’s empowerment.”

Hala Al-Tuwaijri, president of Saudi Arabia’s Human Rights Commission, said: “Yes, unfortunately, there is bias not only against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, but generally against people from this region.” (AN photo)

In a freewheeling interview, Al-Tuwaijri discussed the progress she has witnessed since assuming office and addressed the criticisms of Western nations that scrutinize the authenticity of Saudi Arabia’s advancements in human rights.

Nowhere is the transformation in the rights of Saudi women more obvious than in the workplace. Thanks to a slew of reforms and new legal protections, women now make up a significant portion of the labor force at every level.

“The approach was comprehensive,” said Al-Tuwaijri. “We basically expanded all the legal, civil, social rights and looked at legislation, procedures and everything that was actually obstructing women’s progress was actually moved away.

“The biggest achievement, I think, is how women’s empowerment has changed the face of the country. Now you see women everywhere working in every field. The pipelines for women to join the labor force were all unclogged and therefore you see women joining the labor force.

“And this was translated in the data about women’s empowerment and especially women’s participation in the workforce.”

Perhaps the best examples of this transformation are the Saudi women making strides in the fields of science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine — career paths that have traditionally been dominated by men.

Saudi scientist Rayyanah Barnawi (R) became the first Saudi female astronaut to go to space. With her in the picture is fellow Saudi astronaut Ali Alqarni. (@Astro_Rayyanah/File))

“I would use the cliche ‘the sky’s the limit,’ but after (first Saudi female astronaut) Rayyanah Barnawi went to space, I think that metaphor does not describe the ambition of Saudi women,” said Al-Tuwaijri.

“I think that Saudi women have proved to be efficient and to be up to the positions that they’ve taken.”

Since 2016, the Kingdom has implemented a raft of reforms designed to empower women, from the lifting of the ban on driving and the relaxation of the male guardianship law to measures to combat violence against women and girls.

Although it is a challenging role, Al-Tuwaijri says her appointment to lead the Human Rights Commission reflects how seriously the Kingdom takes its obligations and its commitment to the shared values of the international community.

“This task of handling the human rights file anywhere in the world is a huge responsibility, a humbling one,” she said. “And also, it comes with a package of knowing you’re doing good for the people and for mankind in general. It has its own lofty values and principles as well.

“In Saudi Arabia, it’s no different. I come to work every day knowing that, yes, I’m doing my job on the one hand. But also, I know that this job includes the promotion and protection, the rights of people living in Saudi Arabia and also contributing to the international community and the new trends and approaches to human rights.

“So, the task is not a simple one. It’s not a straightforward one. It’s not that you have a goal and you have to accomplish it at a certain period of time. No, it’s ongoing. It’s dynamic. And it’s always changing, requiring a lot of exposure, communication with others.”

In a September 2023 interview with US broadcaster Fox News, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman admitted to being “ashamed” of the Kingdom’s laws after a retired teacher was sentenced to death for a critical post on social media.

“Shamefully, it’s true. It’s something I don’t like,” the crown prince told Fox News, highlighting his government’s efforts to reform and modernize the judiciary.

“We are doing our best … we have already changed tens of laws in Saudi Arabia, and the list has more than 1,000 items. In the cabinet they have only 150 lawyers, so I’m trying to prioritize the change day by day.”

He added: “But we are not happy with that. We are ashamed of that. But (under) the jury system, you have to follow the laws and I cannot tell a judge (to) do that and ignore the law, because … that’s against the rule of law. But do we have bad laws? Yes. We are changing that, yes.”

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was interviewed by Fox News’ chief political correspondent Bret Baier on Sept. 21, 2023. (AN Files)

Asked about these comments, Al-Tuwaijri said the crown prince respects the authority of the Kingdom’s judiciary, but that reforms are necessary — measures that the Human Rights Commission is on board with.

“Yes, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince stated that. And I think it’s a verbal affirmation of the big initiatives that are taking place in terms of the transformation in the judicial system,” said Al-Tuwaijri.

“Three laws have been issued recently, all of them controlling the lives of people in a positive way — where by controlling we mean there is more clarity in terms of the judiciary and predictability, of course.

“The fact that all of this is taking place while we are also progressing, putting forward initiatives, is more like fixing a plane while you’re flying. And this is precisely what His Royal Highness the Crown Prince indicated.

“But in the same interview you have mentioned, he also showed so much respect for the judiciary. And I think every country that respects itself and its status has to also respect the judiciary.”

The Human Rights Commission is participating in this reform process “so the human rights lens is always applied when it comes to issuing a new law or reviewing one or giving advice on a certain procedure,” said Al-Tuwaijri.

“We have to make sure also that everything that’s happening in this journey of legal transformation is actually aligned with the human rights commitment.”

Although its reform agenda is driven by a broader domestic transformation plan under Vision 2030, the Kingdom engages with international agencies and human rights groups to ascertain where improvements can be made — provided they are based on fact rather than hearsay.

Highlights of the speech of Saudi HRC chief Hala Altuwaijri during Global Labor Market Conference, with the topic “Women in the Labor Market”. (X: @HRCSaudi_EN)

“In our mandate, we engage with all kinds of parties, whether it’s state, government organizations or non-government organizations,” said Al-Tuwaijri. “But the basis of this kind of engagement is cooperation, dialogue and constructive efforts.

“We do engage with all of these entities as long as the objective is to have a constructive dialogue that actually is on equal footing and, at the same time, understands the differences between us. This is basically how we function.”

She added: “And of course, we do monitor what the media addresses in terms of human rights issues, that includes everything. So, it depends on our relationship with these entities. We engage directly in cooperation and dialogue.

“And if we find that the reports are not based on facts but just meritless, hearsay or so, then we just focus on working on the ground and trying to continue our strategy and reach our goals and consider that (report) as one of so many reports that are actually politicizing human rights and not really engaging in a cooperative manner.”

In January, the UN held the Universal Periodic Review in Geneva, where Al-Tuwaijri emphasized Saudi Arabia’s determination to achieve the highest global standards in promoting and protecting human rights.

Illustration on Saudi Arabia's participation in the Universal Periodic Review in Geneva in January 2024. (X: @HRCSaudi_EN)

Despite the significant strides Saudi Arabia has made, several Western commentators have characterized this commitment as a PR stunt. Al-Tuwaijri brushed aside the criticism, pointing to the Kingdom’s positive record.

The Universal Periodic Review “covers a period where there were, on the ground, more than 100 reforms, and those reforms (have been) published,” she said. “They are supported with evidence, with data, and that is an actual manifestation of the reforms.

“Yes, some people would always criticize and some people would be cynical about what happens. But we keep open in terms of cooperation with states, government organizations, non-government organizations about addressing these issues and discussing areas of improvement.

“And for people who doubt, (who say) that it’s a stunt or that we’re not telling the truth, I invite them to come and visit the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and meet actually with men and women from the Saudi community and listen to how much they have actually benefited from all of these improvements and changes and developments that happened on the ground.”

Asked whether the negative perception of Saudi Arabia among international rights organizations is influenced by political bias or unrealistic expectations, Al-Tuwaijri pointed to the positive feedback the Kingdom has also received.



“There were more than 135 comments given to the Saudi delegation in Geneva last January. And what was astonishing is that all 135 comments were introduced by acknowledgement of the improvement,” she said.

“It is obvious that compared to the previous report, there is great improvement that was acknowledged by the international community.”

She added: “Yes, unfortunately, there is bias not only against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, but generally against people from this region. But we try to overlook the negative implications of that bias and try to see the good in these approaches or reports or criticism and see what we can take from them.”

Al-Tuwaijri acknowledged that changing such attitudes would be a gradual process, but one possible to implement through continuous engagement with friends and critics alike.

“The purpose is to make people see for themselves what is happening in Saudi Arabia,” she said. “Because the narrative is never complete, actually, without people witnessing it with their own eyes.”


Saudi interior minister arrives in Egypt on official visit

Saudi interior minister arrives in Egypt on official visit
Updated 57 min 42 sec ago

Saudi interior minister arrives in Egypt on official visit

Saudi interior minister arrives in Egypt on official visit

CAIRO: Saudi Arabia’s interior minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Saud bin Naif arrived in Egypt on Saturday evening on an official visit.

His trip is being made on the directives of the Kingdom’s leadership, Saudi Press Agency reported.

Prince Abdulaziz was received at Cairo International Airport by his Egyptian counterpart Major General Mahmoud Tawfiq and the Saudi ambassador to Egypt Saleh bin Eid Al-Hussaini.

Young Saudi paves way in tech, artificial intelligence

Abdullah Hakeem embodies the spirit of a new generation of young Saudis supported by the nurturing ecosystem of Vision 2030.
Abdullah Hakeem embodies the spirit of a new generation of young Saudis supported by the nurturing ecosystem of Vision 2030.
Updated 07 September 2024

Young Saudi paves way in tech, artificial intelligence

Abdullah Hakeem embodies the spirit of a new generation of young Saudis supported by the nurturing ecosystem of Vision 2030.
  • Abdullah Hakeem is pursuing his dream to advance AI in the Kingdom
  • His journey has led to his involvement in the upcoming Global AI Summit

RIYADH: As the Kingdom forges ahead in the tech industry, young Saudis like Abdullah Hakeem are playing a crucial role in shaping its future while inspiring others to follow in their footsteps.

The King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals graduate, 25, is tapping into the power of technology to bridge gaps, enhance communication, and empower communities.

Hakeem’s story began during his studies at KFUPM, where he quickly became a well-known figure among students for his inventive spirit. His first major project was a WhatsApp bot designed to enhance the platform’s functionality.

Abdullah Hakeem, SDAIA strategic competitiveness specialist

“It was a learning tool for me,” Hakeem told Arab News. “I applied new skills and implemented user-suggested features, evolving it based on feedback.”

The bot garnered over 1,000 users, primarily students at the university.

One notable challenge was maintaining the bot’s efficiency amid numerous simultaneous requests. “I overcame this by employing various technical solutions and continuously refining them over time,” he explained.

Understanding the value of community-building, he founded around 30 WhatsApp groups that fostered connections among students interested in development and skill enhancement.

Contributing to the success of my country is a key goal for me.

Abdullah Hakeem, SDAIA strategic competitiveness specialist

Hakeem also organized competitions to encourage peers to challenge themselves and learn. “Bringing people together to learn and grow has always been my passion,” he added.

This commitment to community engagement facilitated a collaborative environment in which students could share knowledge and support one another.

His internship at Takamul Technologies in 2022 marked a pivotal moment in his career. Tasked with resolving a critical issue on the company’s website, he reduced the load time of the 3D section from a cumbersome 70MB to a lightning-fast 100KB.

“This impressive feat earned me a part-time job offer from the CEO, a rare opportunity for an intern,” he said. “It was a confidence boost (to have) my abilities recognized in a professional setting.”

This experience fueled his desire to tackle complex challenges in the tech industry. His innovative spirit culminated in a series of competitions, notably the KFUPM Innovation Hackathon last year, in which he led his team to victory in both web and mobile development tracks.

The hackathon provided a platform for students to showcase their skills and creativity. It honed Hakeem’s leadership skills and also reinforced the importance of collaboration in achieving common goals.

“I adapted my approach to motivate each team member according to their needs,” he said. “Being closely involved in every task allowed me to guide the project effectively.”

Hakeem’s graduation project won first place at the KFUPM Graduation Expo in May last year. The project involved integrating with Foodics, the largest point-of-sale system in the Middle East.

He said: “One of our major challenges was securing a partnership with a restaurant to facilitate the integration process. We designated one team member to manage communications with Foodics and the sponsorship, allowing the rest of us to focus on development.”

This strategic division of responsibilities proved crucial in overcoming obstacles and delivering the project.

Recognition followed, especially through social media. Hakeem and his team shared their journey on X, attracting almost 400,000 views. This exposure led to an invitation from the MISK Foundation to join the prestigious MISK Launchpad program in 2023, where they secured a grant to bring their product to market.

“The experience taught me to build real products, not just software solutions,” he said.

The program provided valuable insights into the product development process, shaping Hakeem’s perspective on the importance of creating meaningful solutions that address real-world problems.

His talents caught the eye of major players in the tech industry. During the Metathon competition toward the end of 2023, he impressed judges, including Rehab Alarfaj from the Saudi Data and AI Authority, who offered him a position on her team.

“Joining SDAIA (this year) was a dream come true,” he added. “It’s a sought-after opportunity in the tech community … my goal is to secure recognition for Saudi Arabia in global AI rankings.”

In his current role within the General Management of Partnership and Competitiveness, Hakeem is committed to advancing artificial intelligence in the Kingdom.

He is currently involved in organizing the Global AI Summit, which is set to take place between Sept. 10-12. This event will showcase the Kingdom’s advances in AI and foster collaboration among international experts.

“Contributing to the success of my country is a key goal for me,” Hakeem said.

As Hakeem continues to contribute and innovate, he embodies the spirit of a new generation of young Saudis supported by the nurturing ecosystem of Vision 2030, and dedicated to paving the way and leaving a mark on the tech industry and beyond.


KSA highlights film projects at Toronto festival

KSA highlights film projects at Toronto festival
Updated 07 September 2024

KSA highlights film projects at Toronto festival

KSA highlights film projects at Toronto festival
  • The commission aims to attract global interest in Saudi stories and productions while fostering connections with filmmakers worldwide

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s Film Commission is participating in Canada’s 2024 Toronto International Film Festival, which runs until Sept. 15.

One of the world’s top film festivals, it attracts filmmakers, critics and audiences from around the globe, serving as a key platform for the genre.

The commission is this year showcasing a pavilion which features major Saudi film projects and initiatives, offering visitors a chance to explore the Kingdom’s creative film industry.

A delegation from the commission is representing the diverse talent of the Kingdom’s film community, along with some Saudi filmmakers.

The pavilion also highlights the commission’s commitment to advancing Saudi Arabia’s film industry, showcasing recent achievements and opportunities for international collaboration.

The commission aims to attract global interest in Saudi stories and productions while fostering connections with filmmakers worldwide.

Its participation aligns with its strategy to promote Saudi cinema internationally, support local talent, and contribute to the film industry on a global level.


Riyadh to host National Cultural Awards on Monday

King Fahd Cultural Center in Riyadh. (Twitter @KFCC2000)
King Fahd Cultural Center in Riyadh. (Twitter @KFCC2000)
Updated 07 September 2024

Riyadh to host National Cultural Awards on Monday

King Fahd Cultural Center in Riyadh. (Twitter @KFCC2000)
  • Sixteen awards will be presented, including Cultural Pioneer of the Year, Youth Culture Award, International Cultural Excellence Award, and awards for film, fashion, heritage, music, literature, and theater

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Culture will host the National Cultural Awards at Riyadh’s King Fahd Cultural Center on Monday.

The awards, which are being held for the fourth time, will honor cultural pioneers from various fields, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Saturday.

The awards recognize individuals, groups, and institutions for their cultural achievements and artistic talent and “aim to promote excellence across 16 cultural sectors, offering financial and moral support, media exposure, and opportunities to represent the sectors at domestic and international events,” the SPA stated.

Sixteen awards will be presented, including Cultural Pioneer of the Year, Youth Culture Award, International Cultural Excellence Award, and awards for film, fashion, heritage, music, literature, and theater.

Minister of Culture Prince Badr bin Abdullah bin Farhan thanked Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for his patronage of the awards, which he said highlights “the leadership’s commitment to supporting creativity in the cultural sector.”


Saudi Arabia set to host International AI Olympiad

Saudi Arabia set to host International AI Olympiad
Updated 07 September 2024

Saudi Arabia set to host International AI Olympiad

Saudi Arabia set to host International AI Olympiad
  • Representatives from 25 countries scheduled to take part

RIYADH: A global edition of the International AI Olympiad gets underway in Riyadh on Sunday, with teams from 25 countries expected to take part.

The event, which will run until Thursday, is being organized by the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority in collaboration with UNESCO, the International Center for AI Research and Ethics, and the International Research Center on Artificial Intelligence, in Slovenia.

The SDAIA hopes the olympiad will serve as a platform for AI competitions, and nurture talent while fostering skills development, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

The event will be a forum for scientists and enthusiasts from around the world to compete and also exchange ideas, enhance capabilities, and explore the latest advances in the field, the SPA added.

The SDAIA has prepared for the event over the past five weeks by holding a series of virtual lectures on AI designed to qualify international teams for the competition and empower students from various countries to expand their knowledge in the sector.

The lectures covered topics such as the social impact of AI and working with data.