quotes Saudi Arabia winning global narrative inspires a compelling future

15 December 2023
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Updated 15 December 2023

Saudi Arabia winning global narrative inspires a compelling future

A question that has been recently pondered by many is this: Why did Saudi Arabia triumph in the Expo 2030 bid, securing 119 votes against formidable contenders South Korea and Italy?

It is tempting to attribute this victory to the nation’s wealth, oil reserves, or other material advantages, often highlighted in media narratives. However, such factors are not the crux of this discussion. I posit that Saudi Arabia’s victory was preordained, not by the election’s outcome but by its unwavering commitment to progress and futuristic vision.

Even if the vote had been different, Saudi Arabia’s developmental trajectory and clear, steadfast goals would have persisted. The extensive scale and complexity of projects undertaken in Saudi Arabia stand as compelling testimony to the country’s capacity as a reliable partner in global development initiatives. This track record showcases not only the country’s proficiency in handling significant endeavors but also underscores its commitment to contributing meaningfully to worldwide progress. Saudi Arabia had, in essence, secured a mental victory well before entering the fray.

Yet, the intriguing question lingers: Why did Saudi Arabia win? Speaking with pride as a Saudi, how did we sway 119 countries to place their faith in our potential? The answer, I believe, lies in the power of storytelling.

Through diplomatic and international relations channels, Saudi Arabia adeptly narrated its unique story to each country, significantly bolstering voter trust. This narrative was not a generic tale broadcast indiscriminately across the globe. In the realm of diplomacy, where mutual interests are paramount, I am convinced that Saudi Arabia’s team crafted bespoke narratives, showcasing how the Kingdom could be a valuable partner aligned with the interests of each voting nation. This strategic storytelling fostered a desire among the electorates to align themselves with Saudi Arabia’s vision.

The Saudi story stands independent and remarkable in its historical, present and future aspects. It is consistent yet adaptable, providing ample scope for discussion and negotiation. This duality offers promoters the flexibility to forge common ground with their target audience and to articulate the advantages each voting country would reap by supporting Saudi Arabia over other candidates. A key element in this strategy was striking the right balance between brevity and detail, ensuring that the bid was succinct enough for decision-makers and yet sufficiently detailed for technical experts to grasp and appreciate the story’s depth.

Saudi Arabia’s belief in its global developmental role is profound, viewing its narrative as a testament to its strengths. In the context of the expo, the approach was not to inundate the media but to craft an impactful, well-articulated story. The essence of effective storytelling is simplicity: establish a character with strengths, goals and obstacles. The narrative then unfolds showing how this character overcomes challenges to achieve objectives. Stories foster empathy, which engenders a willingness to listen. When people see their aspirations and struggles reflected in a story, they become more invested in the proposed solutions, often perceiving collaboration as their initiative.

In today’s world, countries seeking a prosperous future for their citizens are increasingly inclined to collaborate with Saudi Arabia. Ambitious individuals, desiring an environment that nurtures success, are drawn to the Kingdom. A recent instance involves mentoring an Indian entrepreneur, a winner of multiple international hackathons. He connected virtually with fellow entrepreneurs from Italy and Belgium, collaborating on a real estate technology project.

Saudi Arabia incubated their venture, with their first in-person meeting occurring in Riyadh. They now reside in the city, contributing significantly to the local real estate industry. This entrepreneur’s first flight, from a remote village in India to Riyadh in pursuit of his dreams, underscores the magnetic allure of Saudi Arabia.

In summary, Saudi Arabia is not just a land of untapped potential; it is a beacon for dreamers and innovators across sectors — social, economic, cultural, industrial, medical, educational, technological, investment and non-profit. Its story does not merely narrate a past or present; it inspires a future, drawing in those who dare to dream and act upon their ambitions.

• Dr. Thamer A. Baazeem is a Saudi Arabia advisor in marketing and behavioral economics and offers his expertise both domestically and internationally. He holds the position of chairman of the Marketing Association in Saudi Arabia.