quotes Complementary medicine as a tributary to achieve Vision 2030

20 September 2023
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Updated 20 September 2023

Complementary medicine as a tributary to achieve Vision 2030

Since the launch of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 plan, our ambitions have grown infinitely. With a focus on a vibrant society, a thriving economy, and an ambitious nation, our goals are ever-expanding.

As a specialist in complementary medicine, my ambition has also grown. I aim to actively contribute to the achievement of Vision 2030 by making complementary medicine a valuable asset.

The vision includes important objectives such as promoting prosperity and good health, diversifying and developing the economy, and increasing employment rates.

Complementary and alternative medicine aligns closely with the goals of Vision 2030. By promoting diverse treatment options and investing in academic programs, training centers, clinics, and hospitals, we can create a healthier society as well as numerous job opportunities.

The field can be a valuable addition to various Vision programs, such as the restructuring of the health sector to promote public health and disease prevention. By activating complementary medicine services and making it a healthcare option, we can contribute to this transformation. The World Health Organization recognizes the importance of complementary medicine, stating that it should be provided as an option in a well-functioning, people-centered health system that balances curative and preventive services.

Complementary medicine can support the human development program by equipping young people with the skills needed to work in this growing sector. By providing training and education opportunities in various complementary medicine practices and supporting the establishment of clinics, complexes, and hospitals, we can meet the increasing demand for these services in Saudi Arabia. Streamlining processes, offering funding, and fostering a culture of entrepreneurship will further enhance opportunities for young people in this field.

The Kingdom’s Quality of Life Program will also be helped by introducing wellness programs in the workplace. These programs aim to reduce stress, enhance focus and productivity, and foster an environment conducive to innovation and creativity. Additionally, community programs promoting sports, healthy lifestyles, and stress management can further improve the quality of life for society as a whole.

Complementary medicine can make a significant contribution to major Vision projects like NEOM, Red Sea, and ROSHN. By establishing health resorts and integrated healthcare facilities that offer complementary treatments and preventive medicine options, we can enhance the quality of healthcare services and improve the overall quality of life within these projects.

In conclusion, complementary medicine is already widely used in Saudi society, with a usage rate of 64 percent according to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. It holds great potential and can play a significant role in achieving the goals of Vision 2030 in terms of health and the economy. Complementary medicine can stimulate national and foreign investments, create numerous job opportunities, and contribute to a more comprehensive and integrated healthcare system. Additionally, it supports the overall health and well-being of society by providing a wide range of treatment and preventive options, ultimately improving the quality of life. 

• Saad Majdy Baslom is a director with over 10 years of leadership and specialist experience in complementary medicine practice. He holds a doctorate in traditional Chinese medicine, a master’s in Chinese herbology, and a master’s in acupuncture.