Who’s Who: Fahad Nazer, spokesperson for the Saudi Arabian Embassy in the US

Fahad Nazer
Fahad Nazer
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Updated 14 August 2023

Who’s Who: Fahad Nazer, spokesperson for the Saudi Arabian Embassy in the US

Fahad Nazer

Fahad Nazer serves as the official spokesperson for the Saudi Arabian Embassy in the US.

He was appointed to the position in January 2019 by Prince Khalid bin Salman, the Saudi minister of defense who previously served as ambassador to the US.

Nazer has continued to serve as spokesperson during the tenure of the current Saudi ambassador to the US, Princess Reema bint Bandar.

In his role, Nazer has conducted numerous media interviews with major US news outlets including CNN, NPR, MSNBC, as well as local affiliates of NBC and CBS.

He has also appeared on several BBC news programs to emphasize the significance of Saudi-US relations, including Saudi Arabia’s foreign policy and aspects of the Saudi Vision 2030 reform program.

Nazer has also been invited to speak at various universities, including American University, Georgia Tech, Drake University and the University of Georgia.

He previously worked as a columnist for Arab News, and was a non-resident fellow at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington, and a non-resident fellow at the National Council on US-Arab Relations.

Before that, Nazer worked as a political analyst at JTG, inc. and Array Information Technology.

At JTG, inc., Nazer wrote and spoke extensively about political developments in the Arabian Gulf. His writing was featured in various publications, such as The New York Times, CNN, Foreign Affairs, The Hill and YaleGlobal Online.

He has also been a speaker at conferences organized by the Middle East Institute, The Atlantic Council, The Wilson Center, the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington and the National Council on US-Arab Relations.

Nazer holds a bachelor of arts degree from New York University and a master of arts degree from St. John’s University.

He has also completed the coursework and examination requirements of the Ph.D. program in political science at the Catholic University of America.

Additionally, he completed a summer internship at the UN Secretariat, political affairs department, West Asia division.