Palestinian lawyer confident of stopping Jerusalem evictions

Special Palestinian lawyer confident of stopping Jerusalem evictions
Palestinian, Israeli, and foreign activists demonstrate against Israeli occupation and settlement activity in the Palestinian Territories and east Jerusalem, Sheikh Jarrah, Mar. 19, 2021. (AFP)
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Updated 04 May 2021

Palestinian lawyer confident of stopping Jerusalem evictions

Palestinian lawyer confident of stopping Jerusalem evictions
  • Residents have until Thursday to come up with an agreement with Nahlat Shamon, a US-registered settler organization
If no agreement is reached, an Israeli high court judge will decide how to determine the real owners of disputed land

AMMAN: Lawyers and activists trying to prevent the eviction of some 87 Palestinian residents from their homes in the Sheikh Jarrah district of Jerusalem appeared to be upbeat this week.

Palestinian lawyer Hosni Abu Hussein told Arab News that Israeli courts have given the residents living in 12 housing units in the East Jerusalem neighborhood until Thursday to come up with an agreement with Nahlat Shamon, a US-registered settler organization. 

“We sat for hours with the judge and each of us gave suggestions to settle the case,” Hussein said.  

“Our suggestion is that we deposit the rental money for the units to a secure fund at the court until the real owner of the land — the housing units were built in the 1950s — is determined.”

Hussein said this suggestion was made because non-payment of rent is the fastest way to evict residents, according to rental laws.

Jordan was in control of Jerusalem when the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) built the housing units on the vacant land and started to charge Palestinians rent. Settler organizations, which also claim to be the owners of the land, are now demanding rent payment.

According to the rent protection law in Jerusalem, the offer by the settler organization allows for Palestinian families to stay as long as a designated member of the family is alive. Thereafter, the settler organization would take over the homes. 

Palestinian residents have rejected this offer.

“We have been fighting for years, stressing that the settler organization has no right to the land,” said Abu Hussein, a Palestinian resident. “Why would we agree to this offer now?”

If no agreement is reached by Thursday, an Israeli high court judge will decide how to proceed in determining the real owners of the disputed land.

New evidence, which has emerged from the Ottoman records in Turkey and the Jordanian government, proves Jordan and UNRWA agreed to build housing units on the land for Palestinians, Abu Hussein said. This agreement came after the Palestinians became refugees in the city following World War II as the land actually belonged to the Hijazi Saadi family, dated 1149 Hijri (1736 AD).

Using old Ottoman documents, Nahlat Shamon said the land belonged to an Oriental Jewish group that registered itself in 1972. 

Palestinian lawyers dispute this claim and say the documents in the Ottoman archives in Istanbul that Nahlat Shamon is referring to have no existence and are forged.

Jawdat Manna, head of the Jerusalem campaign organizing regional and international advocacy, told Arab News that he is excited about the positive feedback the campaign has had. 

“We now have strong legal support from lawyers in Kuwait, Bahrain, Jordan, the UK, and the US as well as strong public advocacy support on behalf of the threatened Palestinian families,” Manna said.

Ahmad Deek, a top official at the Palestinian Foreign Ministry, told Arab News that the ministry has filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court. 

“Our complaint provides a comprehensive summary of the case and a call for an investigation of the injustice that the Palestinian families are suffering from,” Deek said.

Palestinians also complain that homes belonging to Arab families in west Jerusalem and other parts of Israel are not being allowed to return to their original documented and undisputed owners.

Aref Hammad, a spokesperson for the Sheikh Jarrah families, explained that the families are facing a lot of pressure. Israeli police were filmed on Monday violently breaking into one of the houses to arrest a Palestinian man. 

An Israel police spokesman said they arrested those who participated in a demonstration, which resulted in closed roads and the police being attacked. 

“After the demonstration was termed illegal and demonstrators were given time to disperse, the police broke up the protests using regular crowd control means,” the spokesman said. “Several suspects were arrested and are being charged with attacks on the police by throwing stones at them.”