Top-level UN team arrives in Myanmar for Rohingya probe

Top-level UN team arrives in Myanmar for Rohingya probe
United Nations Security Council member Mansour Ayyad Al Otaibi (C) talks as delegation members Karen Piece (L) and Gustavo Adolfo Meza Cuadra Velasquez look on during a press conference at the Hazrat Shah Jalal International Airport in the Bangladeshi capital Dhaka on April 30, 2018.(AFP)
Updated 30 April 2018

Top-level UN team arrives in Myanmar for Rohingya probe

Top-level UN team arrives in Myanmar for Rohingya probe
  • The UN delegation on a two-day visit will meet the country’s top leader, State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi
  • They are expected to see the aftermath of the army’s crackdown as well as the government’s preparations for taking back the refugees from Bangladesh

NAYPYITAW: Members of a UN Security Council team probing Myanmar’s crisis over its ethnic Rohingya Muslim minority have arrived in the country’s capital after a visit to Bangladesh, where about 700,000 Rohingya who fled military-led violence live in refugee camps.
The UN delegation on a two-day visit will meet the country’s top leader, State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi, and military commander Senior Gen. Min Aung Hlaing before traveling to northern Rakhine state, the area from which the Rohingya fled.
They are expected to see the aftermath of the army’s crackdown as well as the government’s preparations for taking back the refugees from Bangladesh.
The army launched counterinsurgency sweeps in Rakhine after attacks last August on security personnel. They have been accused of massive human rights violations.