Reconciliation offices to solve disputes

Reconciliation offices to solve disputes
Updated 16 April 2013

Reconciliation offices to solve disputes

Reconciliation offices to solve disputes

Reconciliation offices will be established in the Kingdom in three months to handle settlement of disputes in a move to reduce the time of litigation in Saudi courts. The move will also ease the burden of the first phase of cases that reach the courts.
The Ministry of Justice announced that regulations stipulate the establishment of reconciliation centers.
These will be on the premises of courts or notaries, and will be staffed by one or more mediators selected by the Justice Ministry.
The aim is to activate the legal alternatives for dispute settlements by reconciliation, converging viewpoints of disputants, and enhancing values of forgiveness and tolerance between community members.
The parties in dispute will still have the legal guarantees for litigation if they choose to do so.
A secretary-general will supervise the center and reconciliation offices. He will submit an annual report to the minister.