Al-Ahsa attackers will not go unpunished

Al-Ahsa attackers will not go unpunished

Al-Ahsa attackers will not go unpunished
AL-Ahsa makes up the major part of the Eastern Province and it is the largest oasis in the world. It is true that most of its water has been consumed by the modern-day usage of water resources but this is a global phenomenon.
For thousands of years, Al-Ahsa remained a melting pot of different cultures and faiths. Some historians claim that it is the second-oldest inhabited city in the world. A thousand years ago, it used to be one of the most populated cities of the world. Al-Ahsa was known to have millions of palm trees, which made it a center of commercial activities.
The area has many historic places and beautiful lush green areas for outsiders to see and it is also known for its beautiful handicrafts. When Saudi Arabia came into being in 1932, it was divided into four regions: Hijaz, Najd, Asir and Al-Ahsa. Later, all regions were further divided into sub-provinces while Al-Ahsa was left unchanged but the whole region was given the name “the Eastern Province” and now Al-Ahsa comprises three major cities, Hofuf, Mubaraz and Alayoun. These cities are surrounded by tens of beautiful villages.
These villages are unique in their way of life. Many of them are situated near major fresh water springs. The summer nights are cooler because of the palm and other fruit trees. One can see the most delicious fruit being grown on the trees such as dates, pomegranates, figs, peaches, raspberry, green lemon and many other fruits. And of course let us not forget many kinds of grapes… Oh and speaking of grapes, there is a little quiet village called Al-Dalwa where the most delicious grapes are grown. The Al-Dalwa village is located at the eastern side of Jabal Algarah, which is known for its big cave. This cave is cool during the summer and warm during winter. But recently this little quiet village became the center of attraction. Few days ago, a coward terrorist act was committed against the people in Al-Dalwa village and six innocent young men were killed. The act was committed to stoke unrest in the area but the terrorists were caught. Unfortunately, two security officers were killed in action.
Dignitaries to offer their condolences to the families of the victims visited the little village. Last Friday, bodies of the dead young men from Al-Dalwa were buried and tens of thousands of people from around the Kingdom were present at cemetery area in a real and sincere attempt to express solidarity with their brothers and show the world that Saudis stand united. This little village will recover soon and people will forget the incident but at the end of the day, the terrorists will be punished, as there is no escape from justice.

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