

Bakir Oweida

Bakir Oweida is a Palestinian journalist who pursued a professional career in journalism in Libya in 1968, where he worked at Al-Haqiqa newspaper in Benghazi, then Al-Balagh and Al-Jihad in Tripoli. He has written for several Arab publications in Britain since 1978. He worked at Al-Arab newspaper, Al-Thadamun magazine and the international Arabic newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat. He has also worked as a consultant at Elaph online newspaper.

Latest published

A new lens on the Palestinian struggle

On a sweltering summer evening in Tripoli, Libya, a prominent Arab philosopher made a statement that still resonates in my memory: “Resolving the Palestinian issue is far simpler than you imagine.”

September 04, 2024

The Libyan diaspora in Benghazi

The concept of citizens becoming expatriates in their own city or even their own country seems absurd on the face of it. How could locals be considered foreigners in their birthplace? Logic dictates that this should be impossible. I will return to explain this article’s title later.

August 28, 2024