Real path to stop Iran

Trekking down this road for nearly four decades and bringing about a multitude of deaths and scores of horrific tales of misery along the way, through an endless list of terror attacks and its support of foreign wars, Iran has established a web of terrorist-exporting entities and proxy groups, all of which are subordinated to its Revolutionary Guards Quds Force, a military unit dealing exclusively with conflicts in foreign lands to bolster the regime’s efforts in exporting revolution.
This group of proxies, working under the umbrella of the Quds Force, is presently fomenting mayhem in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Kuwait, Bahrain and at times, Saudi Arabia, a country that since the inception of the Iranian regime has been the mullahs’ regional arch rival. What can be done to reverse this now is a legitimate question.
The violent approach adopted by Iranian mullahs with regard to the Middle East and the Arab World, makes it vital for the foundation of a coalition of Islamic countries spearheaded by Riyadh to counteract the threat of Iran. An undeniable necessity for such a force right now, lies in the fact that every member of the international community — especially those residing in the flashpoint region of the Middle East — must learn to respect the territorial sovereignty and integrity of their fellow nations. To realize this objective, states of the region have gone to the limits to establish cordial and friendly relations with the Iranian people, and have shown utmost patience with the constantly menacing leadership of the Iranian regime. Unfortunately, experience has shown that Tehran couldn’t care less about such an outreach of diplomacy, and has actually surged forward in its program of interference, taking the utmost advantage of the methodology of mediation embraced by its neighbors, to carry out subversive action from the shadows.
The US government has constantly raised the fact that Iran is the largest state sponsor of terrorism, procuring a wide array of arms, funds, intelligence, safe harbor and logistical support to terrorist groups, the Clarion Project cited sources in an in-depth report on Iran’s tenacious support for terrorism.
After years of wars, in which Iran has supported, trained and radicalized terrorists — such as the Lebanese Hezbollah — and meddled in the internal affairs of as many nations as possible, the region has been incapable of establishing a joint response. But with Iran’s ongoing tactic of destabilization continuing to be a menace, the Middle East and the Islamic world has painfully come to learn that evicting the mullahs’ reach from all countries has now become a fundamental necessity, and a vital first step in realizing peace, stability and security in this corner of the globe.
This goal can only be realized through the achievement of both unity and cooperation of engaging Arab states, prepared to put together an organized alternative force that is willing to stand against the religious fascism ruling Iran. Such an entity would need to have at its helm a powerful leadership, which would enable it to put forward an ongoing plan to counteract Iran’s program of expansionism, and where necessary, would feature a code of conduct precisely resembling that of the mullahs themselves, a code which would have to endure a difficult and complex struggle against a Machiavellian opponent, which over the years has been characterized as being politically shrewd in its use of duplicity and bad faith. This opposing movement must be armed with a modern, tolerant and prosperous sentiment of the Muslim faith, in the view of fighting terrorism under the full mantra of Islam.
The Iranian opposition, symbolized in Maryam Rajavi and the National Council of Resistance of Iran umbrella entity of many Iranian dissident groups, can be the very ally needed to effectuate an end to the agonies caused by the mullahs in Iran. The issue at hand is clear. The solution is in reach. In contrast to previous approaches, the Arab World led by Saudi Arabia has assumed a more independent and robust attitude toward Iran’s temperament of meddling and animosity toward the outside world, and its outrageous belief in its calling to dominate all. But what is now needed is a silver bullet and a final nail in the mullahs’ coffin.
Since its creation, the mullahs’ regime has deviously misused Islam to pursue its own objectives and cloak deceitful plots for the region.
— The writer is an Iranian political analyst.
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