The Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC) has introduced a system that enables residents to check whether there are any extra SIM cards registered under their name without their consent.
Saudi Telecom Co. STC subscribers can send an SMS message containing the number 9988 to the number 902.
Mobily subscribers can send a blank SMS message to 616166.
Zain subscribers can send a blank SMS message to 700123.
Note, however, that you can check only extra numbers from the same telecom company with which you are registered. For example, if you have an STC SIM card, you can check only for extra STC numbers that may be using your name. In the same manner, if you have a Mobily SIM card, you can check only for extra Mobily cards under your name.
Users who want to check for SIM cards under other networks will be obliged to visit their sales offices.
(Editor's note: This was lifted from another Arab News article to give our readers a ready reference).