RIYADH: The Civil Affairs Department of the Interior Ministry called on nationals to update their civil status regarding births, deaths, marriages and divorces.
This is for their protection and guarantees their rights and saves them from paying fines for delay.
Department spokesman Jasser bin Jasser said some nationals delay registration which leads to a delay in processing them. He said in the case of births and deaths there is a 30-day period while marriages and divorces are to be registered within 60 days.
He said registration can now be done electronically or people can choose the place and the time to register as civil affairs offices are spread throughout the Kingdom, in malls or through its main offices.
Al Jasser said citizens can visit the department's website (www.ahwal.gov.sa) for more details or on Twitter at (@ahwalksa) and Facebook at any time.
Citizens asked to update civil status
Citizens asked to update civil status