95% of mobile phone shops nationalized

95% of mobile phone shops nationalized
NEAR-TOTAL SAUDIZATION: Saudis now work in most mobile phone shops.
Updated 19 September 2016

95% of mobile phone shops nationalized

95% of mobile phone shops nationalized

JEDDAH: The government’s efforts toward nationalization of the telecom sector have yielded rich dividends as 2,413 or 95 percent of mobile shops in the Kingdom were found committed to the decision.
The deadline for 100 percent Saudization of the sector ended on Sept. 2, following which the Ministry of Labor and Social Development intensified an inspection drive.
Fahad Al-Owaidi, the ministry’s undersecretary for Inspections and Development of Work Environments, told local media that the success is the result of cooperation of the ministries involved in the process and backed by the other institutions.
A total of 2,633 mobile phone establishments at different locations and complexes in all the regions of the Kingdom were inspected, during which 2,413 shops were found to be following the Saudization rule, he said.
“Saudization of the telecom sector in particular is different because it depends on the cooperation of several bodies and institutions involved in the implementation of the resolution,” said the official.
Al-Owaidi asserted that field visits will continue in all cities and provinces of the Kingdom to verify compliance with the nationalization decision and impose penalties on violators.
The inspection teams lately detected 511 violations, of which 447 were referred to the sanctions committee. In addition, 83 shops were closed and 64 received notices for being closed during the inspection tours.
Other cases of commercial concealment were detected during the inspection efforts, while other violations entailed deporting the violating workers.
The Ministry of Labor and Social Development has urged citizens to report any violation concerning the Saudization of jobs in the mobile phone industry through its electronic website, Ma’aan.