The day of Arafat in pictures Previous 1 / 9 2 / 9 3 / 9 4 / 9 5 / 9 6 / 9 7 / 9 8 / 9 9 / 9 Next Updated 12 September 2016 AN photos by Ghazi Mahdi, Salman Al-Marzouqi, Saad Al-Anazi, Adnan Mahdali and Ahmed Hashad. September 11, 2016 00:00 Follow The day of Arafat in pictures Updated 12 September 2016 AN photos by Ghazi Mahdi, Salman Al-Marzouqi, Saad Al-Anazi, Adnan Mahdali and Ahmed Hashad. September 11, 2016 00:00 Follow