Trump is a nuclear threat

Trump is a nuclear threat
Updated 09 September 2016

Trump is a nuclear threat

Trump is a nuclear threat

By saying that nuclear weapon is a real option for solving difficult political situations, the US Republican candidate, Donald Trump, has given enough indications that he could be a nuclear threat, if he becomes the president. Any miscalculation will lead to a total nuclear annihilation; and the planet could be reduced to radioactive dust.
During the Watergate scandal Defense Secretary Schlesinger, quietly instructed the Pentagon war room to check with him if President Nixon contacted it to order for a nuclear strike. A president has only six minutes’ warning time to launch a nuclear war.
During the cold war, the US was ready to sacrifice 40 million American lives to destroy the then Soviet Union. Russia’s S-500 Air defense system has the potential for a paradigm change in the nuclear deterrence of the 21st century. President Vladimir Putin will not hesitate to start a nuclear third world war. Trump has displayed erratic and incredible negative behavior in his bid for the presidency. This has made it nearly certain that he will be rejected by the Americans in November election. May Almighty God help us all! — Farouk Araie, Johannesburg