India’s ‘Iron Lady’ ends fast to enter politics

STEELY COURAGE: Irom Sharmila talks to media after appearing in Imphal onTuesday. (AFP)

GUWAHATI: An Indian rights activist who has waged what is thought to be the world’s longest hunger strike ended her 16-year fast on Tuesday after vowing to continue her struggle by standing for election in her home state.
Irom Sharmila, dubbed the “Iron Lady of Manipur” for her protest against alleged rights abuses by security forces in the northeast Indian state, wept as she removed the tubes that were used to force-feed her from her nose and consumed a vial of honey.
The 44-year-old had been held in judicial custody on charges of attempting suicide — still a criminal offense in India — and confined to a hospital where she was fed through a nasal tube.
She was released from custody on Tuesday after she promised a court she would end her fast and submitted bail of 10,000 rupees ($150).
Shortly afterwards she held an impromptu press conference inside the hospital, where she announced her ambition to be the next chief minister of Manipur.
“I know nothing about politics and academically my education is very, very low, but I want to convince our people,” she said in halting English.
“I will use everything I have for the positive change of the society.”
Irom, who had earlier announced her intention to stand as an independent candidate in next year’s state elections, said her first act if she won power would be to repeal the “draconian” Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA).
The act, which covers large parts of the northeast and the restive state of Kashmir, gives Indian forces sweeping powers to search, enter property and shoot on sight, and has been criticized as a cover for human rights abuses.
The Indian government says security forces need the powers to help them battle multiple rebel groups whose long-standing demands range from secession to greater autonomy and land rights.
After emerging from court, Irom said her long campaign of fasting had not worked and she wanted to try a new way.
“I went on a fast for about 16 years thinking I could change the system, but I now realize that this will not yield any result,” she said.