Presentable online profile must for career growth

Presentable online profile must for career growth
Updated 02 August 2016

Presentable online profile must for career growth

Presentable online profile must for career growth

Let's just admit it, most of us like to know more about people we meet on social media. We usually tend to do this by searching them online on various online platforms. It is really exciting to get to know about new people we meet online; how they think and interact with others.
This curiosity usually does not stop here, it could be a determining factor in landing you a job as more of HR managers and headhunters are using social media as part of their recruiting process. In a survey conducted by Eurocom Worldwide in 2012, it was found that “Almost one in five technology industry executives say that a candidate’s social media profile has caused them not to hire that person.”
That does not mean it is better to keep away from social media altogether, or at least to keep your profile private and hidden from the preying eyes. In another survey of more than 2,00 0 employers conducted by Career Builders in 2015 “35 percent of the employers say they are less likely to interview job candidates if they are unable to find information about that person online.”
That is why what you write and share online helps create your image. It is your personal and professional brand that casts a light on your personality, abilities and interests; in other words, it could in a way or another affects your whole life, which means it is better to be polished and presentable.
HR consultants do not have time to go through every detail of your life, but a glimpse on your online profile could show if your interests and ways of thinking match the position and the recruiting company’s culture. In the same survey conducted by Career Builders, details about what recruiters look for in social media profiles were also released. That “includes inappropriate photos, alcohol or drug use, negative posts about past employers or coworkers, a lack of communication skills as well as any discriminatory or inflammatory content regarding race, gender, religion and other issues.”
In the local market, professional social media networks, particularly LinkedIn and Bayt, are on the rise. Headhunters and HR associates do spend time advertising new positions and tracking down candidates using these channels. The old practices of jumping door to door to leave a copy of your CV are becoming obsolete. Most of the companies encourage potential candidates to build up their digital presence.
Be aware of what you do and say on social media, it could come back to haunt you one day.