RIYADH: The British Embassy in Riyadh advised visa applicants to make their applications in time during the summer and said regular visas will be issued in 15 days.
In a statement issued Wednesday, the mission said that the UK does not routinely comment on individual visa applications. “However, we can confirm that the applications from the team will be processed within our published service standards which are 15 working days for non-priority non-settlement visa applications, and 5 working days for priority applications.”
“We advise all visa applicants to factor in time for their visa to be processed when planning their trip to the UK, especially during the summer months. If an applicant requires their visa urgently, they may wish to opt for the priority visa service, for faster processing.”
All applications from the team will be considered carefully by entry clearance officers, on their individual merits, in line with the UK’s immigration rules, the statement said.
“We have seen higher levels of demand for UK visas from Saudi nationals this summer, but we continue to operate within our published service standards.”
The average processing time for Saudi national visitors during the period April 15 to March 16 was 4.4 days. “ Over the busy Eid period, we processed non-settlement visas in an average of 10.5 days, and 98 percent were processed within our service standards.”
“Our customer charter states that if there is a problem with an application (for example if key documents are missing) or if it is complex, we will write to explain why it will not be decided within the normal standard.”
According to British Ambassador Simon Collis, over the last decade more than 100,000 Saudi students were issued visas to study at UK universities and colleges.
There are 15,000 students currently studying at various universities and colleges in the United Kingdom, with women making up one-third. He said that the two countries enjoy excellent bilateral relations. “This could be further improved."
UK visa seekers advised to apply in time
UK visa seekers advised to apply in time