700 scholarships for expat students at Taif University

700 scholarships for expat students at Taif University
Updated 23 June 2016

700 scholarships for expat students at Taif University

700 scholarships for expat students at Taif University

TAIF: The Taif University is offering 500 scholarships to expatriate students from 40 Muslim countries around the globe, and 200 for those foreigners living in the country.

This is for the first time that the university has offered scholarships to foreign students to be launched this coming academic year.
Wasalallah Al-Sawat, dean of admissions, said the university has accepted 18,000 students, of which 14,000 would be full time and 3,000 part time, in addition to postgraduate students. There were 40 percent more admissions to the medical faculty this year compared to last year, he was quoted as saying by a local publication on Tuesday.
He said new departments have been established such as physical education; and that nursing, history and media studies would have their own separate faculties. The university has applied to the Education Ministry for these changes, he said.
Al-Sawat said the university has set up a special committee to determine whether it is meeting the needs of the labor market, in line with the aims and objectives of Vision 2030. This was not done to maximize profits but improve education outcomes, he said.
He said students had applied to the university a month ago by sending letters to the deans of the various faculties. There was a great demand for medicine and the university has accepted 202 students. Children of martyrs would be allowed to attend the university, with some having to complete a preparatory year, with further specialization depending on their grades.
Al-Sawat said the university was developing its education faculty in line with the directives of the ministry. The aim was to improve the qualifications of teachers. He said the director of the university, Talal Al-Maliki, had issued a directive for further studies on the education faculty, which would be handed to the ministry on completion.
He said applications were still open for students to apply on the university’s website. The names of those accepted would be announced next week. Non-Saudi students were not allowed to enroll in health specializations, and engineering students have to have high grades to gain admission because of the competition for places.
He said students from Raniya governorate would not need to deliver their applications in person to the university because this could be done electronically. The university had started introducing online applications last year to make it easier for students, he said.
He said that some students with low grades would be accepted but the number had not been determined yet; and that evening school was free of charge. Places for the preparatory year were for males in science and education and females in science and the humanities.
Al-Sawat said Syrian residents can study at the university and those on visit visas can be accepted if directives are received from the ministry. Female Egyptian students can apply for internal scholarships.
He said the university has provided special places for students with disabilities, who can apply through the website. A special committee has been set up to help students with disabilities apply and gain access to buildings and have their schedules worked out. They can apply for places in science and humanities faculties, he said.
Al-Sawat said a committee was formed last year to determine what was needed by the labor market. The university has determined that there should be 20 master’s students per class, and that the master’s in hospital administration should be approved by the Ministry of Civil Service.
Those wishing to study health should have at least a 90 percent average for their secondary school certificate and 70 percent for abilities. All students wishing to gain admission must have a secondary school certificate, not be employed by a government body, and not have a secondary school certificate older than five years.
Admissions start on Monday, June 20 and continue until July 10. Recommendations for personal interviews are on July 12, interviews on July 14, and online acceptance from July 18 to 22. Students will receive confirmation on e-mail or on their phones, and get their schedules and student numbers automatically.