‘All jobs in mobile phone industry are for Saudis’

RIYADH: The Ministry of Labor will not allow any foreign nationals to continue work in the mobile and telecommunications industry in the Kingdom.

The announcement was made on Wednesday, as a follow-up to the directive issued by Labor Minister Mufrej Al-Haqabani which stated that only Saudis will be employed in the mobile phone industry, including sales, maintenance and accessories by Sept. 2.
Labor Ministry spokesman Khalid Abha Al-Khail said that the rule applies to all regardless of their nationality.
“We need this sector to be fully Saudized by Sept. 1,” he said.
He said an inspection campaign would be carried out in all sectors in the mobile industry beginning in Ramadan. “We are very keen to employ our young Saudi men and women in this sector,” he added.
The official said that the ministry would conduct training programs for young Saudi men and women who wish to enter the sector.
The employment of locals will be carried out in this sector by the Labor Ministry in coordination with the Ministries of Commerce and Industry, Municipal and Rural Affairs and Communications and Technology, the Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF), Technical and Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC),the General Organization for Social Insurance, and other agencies.
The training program will be conducted in coordination with the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation,TVTC, and will cover areas such as customer service, sales management, the basics of mobile maintenance, and maintenance of advanced mobile phones.
The new plan is to create jobs for Saudi men and women that will give them financial stability and minimize cover-up activities. The decision will be enforced across the country and include small, medium and large businesses.
The HRDF will provide employment support services to enterprises and job-seekers in the telecommunications industry, which will be accessible at www.taqat.sa. There will also be support provided in paying part of the salaries of Saudis employed.
The ministry has warned that violators, particularly those businesspeople and their employees involved in cover-ups, will be subject to heavy penalties.