ANB supports Saudi Trade Finance Summit as gold sponsor

ANB sponsored the Saudi Trade Finance Summit on Nov. 10-11, which is a flagship trade finance annual event in Riyadh.
The event brought together more than 250 delegates from major Saudi banks, top tier Saudi corporates, and trade credit insurance and technology companies.
The flagship trade summit aimed at offering participants an opportunity to remain up-to-date with new breakthroughs and market trends in trade finance. It also presented the participants with diverse views on development of a pragmatic strategy to overcome business challenges in light of current geo-political and economic situation.
Nizar Al-Twaijiri, deputy head of corporate bank at ANB, mentioned that ANB has made significant investments into people and technology in order to offer state-of-the-art trade finance solutions to the market — both corporates and SMEs.
Mohammed Nasrullah, head of trade and transaction banking solutions at ANB, was one of the keynote speakers at the summit. His speech titled "Trade winds — the anticipated future” focused on ANB’s view of how future will evolve and innovative solutions being launched by ANB to cater to the ever changing market needs.
At the summit, round table discussions were organized on topics such as supply chain finance and Islamic finance. Islamic finance discussion was chaired by Wasif Hasan, deputy head — trade at ANB, who summarized the discussion and spoke on the challenges faced by corporates along with possible solutions.
Throughout the summit, participants had the chance to share their trade finance related view points and best practices. It also provided a platform for various stakeholders to come together to overcome common challenges facing the local market.