DAMMAM: Four Saudi female students from Princess Nora bint Abdulrahman University were awarded the Diamond, Gold and Platinum medals in the British Invention Show and Awards for 2015, which was held in London from October 21 to 24.
Bedour Al-Maghrabi, Maha Al-Qahtani and Thekra Al-Otaibi came in first position, while Mariam Al-Otaibi and Bedour Al-Maghrabi received the diamond and platinum awards.
The first-ranked invention was a device for sense rehabilitation and stimulation in patients with sensory neuropathy issues. The basic premise of the devise is based on the innovation of a new multisensory stimulation program; a new treatment program using different senses to help people with impaired sensory systems improve the affected cell's function.
The same invention was ranked in second place at Korea's International Women's Invention Exposition (KIWIE) in 2014.
Al-Maghrabi and Al-Qahtani invented glasses for people with cerebral blindness which can help them to identify anything around them. The glasses draw a picture of the area around the patient and defines it through spoken words after analyzing it through a mobile app and sending it through an earpiece.
This invention took out second place and the silver medal at the Korean International Women's Invention Exposition (KIWIE) in 2015, and also received a gold medal from the Indonesian Invention and Innovation Promotion Association.
The Saudi ambassador to the United Kingdom, Prince Mohammed bin Nawaf, who visited the Saudi pavilion on the first day of the expo, expressed his admiration for the Saudi women's ability to innovate and raise the Saudi standing in such international specialized forums.
He thanked the efforts of the Saudi government in supporting and encouraging science, education and scholarship programs, giving them the top priority among its national development initiatives.
The ambassador urged the inventors to continue their careers serving their country and humanity, saying: "Nations are not built on dreams, but on work, effort and diligence."
The students thanked the Saudi government, the ambassador as well as Princess Nora University's staff for their continuous support.
The students also participated in the fifth and sixth scientific conferences for higher education students in the Kingdom, and are members of the Saudi Society of Physiotherapy. Additionally, they are founding members of the Scientific Research and Innovation Club, and the Physiotherapy Club at the Princess Nora University.
Four women inventors make the nation proud
Four women inventors make the nation proud