DAMMAM: The Health Ministry has issued several tips for Haj pilgrims including food preparation, nutrition, taking prescribed medication on time, and getting proper rest.
The aim is to ensure that pilgrims perform their rituals safely and avoid being infected with various diseases including Ebola and MERS.
The ministry’s nutrition department stated that pilgrims must choose clean restaurants and determine whether workers follow hygienic food preparation methods. They should always eat well-cooked meals, avoid raw eggs and make sure food is properly refrigerated.
Diabetics should always carry sugar or candy while performing the rituals to avoid becoming dizzy in case their sugar levels drop. They should take their medicines and food on time, drink a great deal of liquids, and get proper rest.
Baddy Al-Anzi, a consultant endocrinologist and children’s diabetes specialist, said patients should record the type and doses of insulin they use and inform the medical officers accompanying them. In addition, they should know where to find the nearest pharmacy and hospital.
The ministry stated that kidney patients should visit their physicians before going on Haj and follow their instructions. Also, they must reserve places at local hospitals where they can undergo dialysis. They must eat appropriate food, drink liquids moderately, avoid salty food, stay out of the sun, take medications on time, and sleep sufficiently.
Those with high blood pressure and heart disease should eat lightly salted food and avoid fatty, canned and preserved food. They must also not place themselves under too much stress by going out to overcrowded places. They should avoid drinking tea and coffee, and smoking. The ministry advised all pilgrims to ensure that they have copies of their medical records with them, to assist health care workers if they need treatment at some point during the pilgrimage.
The ministry has continued to deny visas to pilgrims coming from Guinea and Sierra Leone because the World Health Organization has stated that Ebola is still prevalent in these two countries.
Pilgrims given food, medical tips to ensure healthy Haj
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