Open to the idea of cinema, says official

RIYADH: The General Authority for Audiovisual Media has said that there are no official guidelines preventing anybody or any group from opening a cinema or theater in the Kingdom and that nobody has submitted a proposal for it so far.
The authority is open to the idea of a cinema or theater in the Kingdom and it is willing to develop all sectors of the audio-visual industry if and when necessary, Abraham Al-Romaih, the authority’s official spokesman, said.
“However, it is preferred that if a cinema is established, it should be in collaboration with the local public and private sectors,” he said.
Al-Romaih said the authority seeks to engender interest in the audio-visual industry, hoping that it will generate additional wholesome entertainment fare for the public. The viewing public would have additional medium to spend time leisurely and meaningfully, he said.
He said that if those who are not in favor of the establishment of cinemas, they are the pioneers of the social networking sites. “They look at cinemas as competitors since the former attract local viewers seeking good and clean fun and wholesome entertainment.”
Al-Romaih said the entry of cinemas in Saudi Arabia started in the mid-30s but they were limited to Westerners in private residential gatherings in Kingdom.
“According to Wikipedia, cinemas had been available to Saudi citizens since the early seventies through sports clubs in various regions of the Kingdom,” he added.