Banque Saudi Fransi back-to-back Team of the Week in Interbank Bowling League

RIYADH: Banque Saudi Fransi (BSF) captained by Jun Bantug claimed back-to-back Team of the Week victories during the sixth and seventh sessions in the Interbank Tenpin Bowlers of Riyadh (ITBR) league.
The Week 6 bye team, BSF took advantage of playing with no opponent and scored 420 points in four games. Edwin Timango shot a series of 823 pinfalls to emerge as Bowler of the Week and complete a BSF double while helping narrow the gap on arch rival Alinma Aspire in second place. Jun Bantug, Noel Morales and Angel Diaz backed up Timango with respective rounds of 820, 779 and 703. Abet Minosa rolled 472 in three games while Yusuf Fernandez had 169.
League leader SABB defeated handicap-rich SAIB in three games 417-80. Luis Bonguit top-scored in SABB with a four-game series of 820 followed by Jaffer Al-Kathiri, Gerry Austria, captain Ahmed Qarqoush and Arnold Jesena who rolled 782, 764, 758 and 753 in that order.
In SAIB, captain Eddison Austria searched the right player combination to no avail during the first three games. However, they managed to grab the fourth game by only five pins to score 50 points plus 30 bonus points and avoid shutout. Jonathan Avenido lead the team with 783 four-game series. He was supported by Julius Queypo and Gil Catulay who tallied 685 and 648. Edwin Fontiveros and Eddison rolled 315 and 314 while Karl Octavio, Ric Cura, Joey Salem and Renato Torres had 179, 170, 155 and 133.
The match between heavyweights, defending champion Riyad Bank and Alinma Aspire, ended in a 2-2 draw. However, it was Riyad Bank that won the match on points 321-262. The foursome of Freddie Solomon, Ronald Cruz, James Frizzle and Sonny Alviso recovered from their first game defeat to shoot 811, 794, 772 and 661. They successfully won the second and third games with the assistance of Mixi Lechuga 572 and Ric Singson 162.
Most improved bowler Koko Torres consistently scored high with a series of 816 for Alinma Aspire. He was supported by Nayef Al Saud 767, captain Jojo de Silva 702 and Rainier Torres 687. Jerry Barce rolled 503 while Angel Train had 182 in one game.
In another exciting match, Saudi Hollandi Bank continued its winning streak beating Alinma United 260-160. The duo of captain Greg Antonio and veteran Clem Salazar proved to be effective when they won the last three games with a series of 747 and 719. Rommel Caluncagin tallied 590 while the foursome of Gerry Ayonon, Eckart Gayeta, Gil Hembra and Cholo Nieto rolled 381, 362, 349 and 335 in two games each. Val Baraquio had 161.
Alinma United made a good start to beat its opponent with a perfect score of 130 points. Teody Zulaybar 759, Jun Macarandan 754, Alan Ofreneo 747 and Bernie Torres 747 started very strong. Vic Agregado rolled 553 while captain Bobby Ting had 136.
The last games of the first round were completed during Week 7 with BSF scoring a repeat as Team of the Week after defeating league leader SABB 504-338.
The match between SHB and Alinma Aspire ended in a draw at 160-all while Alinma United crushed SAIB 263-80. Riyad Bank playing as bye recorded a high score of 340 points. Ronald Cruz bested all aspirants and took home the Bowler of the Week award by shooting the high series of 838 pinfalls.
Next week games will be more exciting as the top five teams try to retain their ranking in the mid-positioning round. The tournament played Monday nights at its new venue Universal Bowling Center (UBC) is sponsored by all participating banks.