JEDDAH: As many as 107,000 pilgrims will be able to perform tawaf every hour, as against 48,000 now, with the completion of the expansion of the third and final phase of the project, which covers Safa and King Abdul Aziz Gate.
The tawaf area (mataf) is being expanded to 76,000 sq. meters under the supervision of Presidency of the Two Holy Mosques chief Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais.
Project Director Sultan Al-Qurashi said work will continue till the end of Dul Qaada for the construction of the roof, flooring and linking it to the mataf. It will be ready for Haj this year.
He said the finishing touches were being given to the facades, ceilings and floors, which are being resurfaced with marble tiles and prefabricated material.
Also underway is the installation of air-conditioning and lighting systems. Due consideration is also being given to facilitate the movement of carts and wheelchairs, especially while determining the slope of the new pathway.
Al-Qurashi said the old porch (Raouq) will be rebuilt but limited to three sides with the exception of the eastern side, which is located adjacent to Masaa (Safa and Marwa) in a bid to make movement of visitors to the Grand Mosque easy and smooth.
The total area of the porch will reach 3,460 sq. meters after completion of the project, which is now 80 percent complete, he said.
Mataf expansion to be completed before Haj

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