JEDDAH: Young men in Jeddah moved skating sports from winter to summer and from snow to the streets, the desert and sandy beaches.
Around 120 young men took part in the Jeddah Festival 36 roller skating competition which covered about three kilometers. The general supervisor of the competition, Bader Marzoup, said young men like to take part in this competition.
“This event comes within the active participation of the community which enhances the culture of teamwork and constructive competition, in addition to spreading awareness about the educational and health dimensions of sports competitions,” he said.
Competitors confirmed that skateboarding and roller skating are among modern and enjoyable sports that move away from traditional towards more interesting sports.
They said the sport has special rules and that it is not easy. People who do it should have good balance on the skateboard in addition to being able to skate on public roads and in the desert. Roller skates are different from those used on ice as they are stronger and more solid.
A training official said skating on the street or the desert is one of the modern sports practiced by young men who look for excitement and pleasure in order to move beyond traditional boring games. He said because the sport is dangerous, those who practice it should take precautions to avoid injuries.
The hobby depends on physical fitness, continuous training and agility; public gardens and wide areas next to sandy beaches are the best locations to practice roller skating.
The number of people who practice this sport is on the increase and street skating has a large audience who follow it around the world; many claim it is becoming even more popular than ice skating.
A number of young men started organizing this sport, as witnessed by recent competitions in Abu Dhabi. Participants displayed their skills and the competition witnessed fierce competition.
Jeddawis move from winter to summer skating
Jeddawis move from winter to summer skating