Saudi Arabia rubbishes calls for gay rights

JEDDAH: There would be no rights granted to gay people in the Kingdom, the Interior Ministry said on Wednesday.
In a post on its Twitter account, the ministry stated that it supports human rights principles proposed by international bodies as long as they are in line with Islamic law. It also slammed those questioning the Kingdom’s rights record.
It said that freedom of expression does not mean demeaning the beliefs of Muslims; and condemned those who continue to ridicule the Prophet, peace be upon him.
The ministry said it rejected terrorism and urged united international action to tackle all forms of extremism because these ideas violate the teachings of the world’s religions.
There has recently been intense debate on Twitter about gay rights in Saudi Arabia. One blogger said “all religions reject this perversion which is why God created man and woman.”
On Monday in Geneva at a meeting of the UN Human Rights Council, Faisal bin Hasan Trad, the Kingdom’s permanent representative to the UN, said Saudi Arabia would not tolerate criticism of its human rights record, and that it rejected a proposal to grant rights to gays.
Trad said the Kingdom was one of the first countries to support the UN human rights charters, in accordance with Islamic law. Trad said that even though the Kingdom had made its position clear, some were attempting to portray the country in a bad light. He accused those behind the reports of double standard, of professing to respect the sovereignty, culture and beliefs of other people, but doing the exact opposite on public platforms.
Trad said the calls for the country to recognize gay rights, to change certain Islamic laws, and criticism of the nation’s judiciary, was “flagrant interference in its internal affairs, and absolutely unacceptable.”
Trad said the Kingdom also condemns those continually attacking Islam and the character of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, under the pretext of freedom of expression, or as a reaction to the terrorist acts of groups that claim falsely to represent Islam.
He said it was not acceptable for people to insult the beliefs of more than 1.5 billion people. Islam stood for peaceful coexistence with others, rejected chaos, and attempts to divide people, he said.