Beauty of Ramadan

Beauty of Ramadan
Updated 22 June 2015

Beauty of Ramadan

Beauty of Ramadan

The holy month of Ramadan provides us with the opportunity to rethink our priorities and to set our goals for the remaining year. As for priorities, during this month we can resolve to spend our time more productively by adhering to the true teachings of Islam. This world is nothing but a test and this month provides us with the necessary training to pass the test. Fasting is not only about abstaining from food and water. The main idea behind fasting is to implement the basic principles of Islam in our lives. We usually think about major sins and tend to ignore minor sins that are sometimes more damaging to an individual or society. That does not mean that one should not be mindful of the major sins. What I mean to say is that lying, cheating, treating people badly, usurping people’s just rights, backbiting and harming others for petty gains are all those qualities, which are completely against the teachings of Islam and the Seerah of our Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). A Muslim is supposed to be merciful toward others without any discrimination on the basis of faith, ethnicity or creed. The above-mentioned negative traits also eventually upset the social order.
The reason for the decadence of Muslim societies across the world is that we, as a nation, don’t take minor sins seriously. It is true that to err is human but we cannot justify our actions repeatedly citing our human weaknesses. Religion is all about working against one’s active self or “nafs.”
Ramadan should be considered a training program to overcome human weaknesses and emerge as good Muslims. Being a good Muslim automatically makes an individual a better human being. That’s the beauty of Islam because it is a complete code of life. Secondly, Ramadan gives us the chance to follow a proper routine that ensures less or no waste of time. We could continue with that routine to ensure our professional growth and a boost in work-related performance. — Lala, Jeddah