Grand mufti: Steer clear of anti-Islamic websites

Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Asheikh, grand mufti and chairman of the Standing Committee for Scientific Research and Ifta, said the cyber war waged by anti-Islamic websites are promoting division among Muslims. He called on young men and women to be cautious of these misleading sites, which seem to call for good, but are actually causing dissemination and hatred between Muslims.
He gave this warning while delivering a speech during the opening ceremony of the Forum for “Electronic Terrorism — Dangers and Methods of Combating It,” organized by the the Imam Mohammed ibn Saud University on Wednesday.
Al-Asheikh said that the Imam Muhammad ibn Saud University is a beacon of knowledge and offers guidance to all Muslims inside and outside Saudi Arabia through its conferences and forums.
Speaking on the occasion, the dean of King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Center for Contemporary Islamic Studies and Dialogue of Civilizations, Abdel Mohsen Al-Samih, said the organization of this scientific forum is part of the anti-terrorism efforts launched by the government.
He said the forum aims to identify and impede the working of the problematic websites, and promote the exchange of modern and accurate information among researchers and experts in order to best examine means of prevention and control. The forum also seeks to address means to strengthen the family, education systems, and the role of the mosque in combating such cyber terrorism, he said.
The scientific committee has received more than 85 papers covering the various themes and topics of the forum, he said.