Two Indonesian Navy ships — KRI John Lie 358 and KRI Usman Harun 359 — docked at Jeddah seaport on Wednesday.
A reception hosted on board one of the ships was attended by Saudi Royal Navy Western Command officials with Col. Khaled Mohammed, Abdul Rhman Al-Otaibi, lieutenant commander, Indonesian Consul General in Jeddah Dharmakirty Syailendra Putra and his wife and diplomats from the Indonesian Consulate. Prominent Indonesian expatriates and Indonesian and Saudi journalists also enjoyed the evening with traditional Indonesian food and dance performances.
Col. Khaled Mohammed said that the visits of naval ships of different countries always help in strengthening relations between states and give their citizens an opportunity to exchange experiences and training.
Abdul Rahman Al-Otaibi said that warships of different countries visit the Kingdom with different missions. The current visit of Indonesian naval ships was to enhance the relationship between the two navies and countries.
He said the Saudi Royal Navy is planning to join Indonesian warships in Arab waters for some training program in the near future.
Col. Antonius Widyoutomo, commander of the Indonesian warships, welcomed the guests and said this visit will strengthen the ties between the two countries at all the levels. He said this mission of Indonesian naval ships began in July and will conclude in September in Jakarta.
Syailendra Putra also welcomed the ships' commanders and said Indonesia is the world’s largest country of archipelagos, comprising more than 17,000 islands, for the protection of which the country's navy keeps itself equipped with the latest technology and advanced training.
He said that apart from exchanging experiences with the Saudi Royal Navy officers, this visit to Jeddah also gives the Indonesian Navy crew a chance to perform Umrah.
Indonesian warships visit Jeddah port
Indonesian warships visit Jeddah port