Psychiatrists in Saudi Arabia need to upgrade their professional skills regularly to serve the needy better, according to Osama Al-Ibrahim of Al-Amal Hospital in Jeddah.
Addressing the hospital’s third scientific conference here on Saturday, he said that cases of drug addiction and mental disorders are increasing at regional and global levels and it is necessary to have constant reviews and adopt modern methods for their treatment.
The conference was inaugurated by Director General of Ministry of Health Affairs in Jeddah, Dr. Sami Badawood, who said that the ministry is in forefront in upgrading the professional skills of doctors, paramedics and nurses in the Kingdom.
He said that treatment of those with mental disorders and drug addicts is one of the priority areas of the ministry. He added that rehabilitation and treatment of these patients is one of the challenging jobs where doctors have a leading role to play.
The two-day conference at Intercontinental Hotel is attended by eminent experts and professionals who have conducted research and studies in mental disorders, and alcohol, and drug addiction.
Dr. Abdul Hamid Al-Habib, director general of Al-Amal Hospital, Prof. Sulaiman Al-Zaidi, Prof. Otto-Michael Lesch, who is involved in studies on alcohol dependence since 1972 and has organized a large number of international clinical trials and basic research studies in alcohol and tobacco dependence, and other senior officials and doctors are attending the conference.
Nearly 120 participants from the Kingdom and abroad will present 54 lectures and 38 research papers.
Al-Amal, a pioneer rehabilitation center in the Kingdom, is presenting research papers based on its rich and vast experience in the field.
Experts present papers at mental disorders forum

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