Yemeni politician escapes murder bid

SANAA: Yemen’s security officials say the leader of the country’s Socialist Party has escaped an assassination attempt, the third on him in recent months.
The officials said an unknown attacker fired a gun fitted with a silencer at Yassin Said Noaman while he was driving his car in Sanaa on Sunday. The gunman missed Noaman, who is also deputy head of the country’s National Dialogue Conference, but shattered the car’s windows.
The Socialist Party, which ruled southern Yemen before it merged with the north in 1990, is one of the largest in Parliament.
In Taiz, Yemen’s second largest city, gunmen also killed Lt. col. Saddam Hussein Al-Dahiri, chief security officer at the Taiz presidential palace, in a drive-by shooting at a gasoline station.
Meanwhile, two Yemeni officers were killed Sunday in separate attacks targeting members of the security forces across the country, a security official and the Defense Ministry news website said.
In the first attack, unknown gunmen traveling in a car shot dead the security chief of a presidential palace in Yemen’s second-largest city Taez, the official said.
The officer was killed on the road as he was heading to work, the official said, without giving further details.
In the southern Bayda province, deputy police chief Abdullah Mohammed was killed in an “ambush by armed men,” the Defense Ministry’s website said.