Give it a try!

The idea propagated in one of the letters recently published in Arab News regarding the cover-up businesses is commendable. As a matter of fact, this is what these small enterprises are all about. Saudis and expatriates join hands together to form a small or medium business concern and reap the benefits together. This arrangement is very suitable and convenient for both parties and serves interests of both in an appropriate manner. Unfortunately, due to reasons best known to the authorities, they are taking action against such enterprises. Imagine, if this idea gets government’s support, it would help the Saudi economy and locals and expatriates alike. Instead of mulling a blanket ban on such concerns, laws should be promulgated to give these businesses some kind of a legal cover or protection. Such a move will generate thousands of jobs for the expatriates and offer new business opportunities to Saudis eager to make small investments. I think the authorities should give this idea a thought. — Ahmad, New York