ANB Mobile App from Arab National Bank was rated best among Saudi banks in Apple’s AppStore based on the feedback from more than 980 users who reviewed and rated the app.
With a respondent population at least 7 times as large compared with other banks, these comments reflected a high level of trust in and satisfaction with ANB’s Mobile Service, giving it an overall Excellent rating.
Commenting on the ratings results, Asad Alsadah, head of retail banking, ANB, said: “This achievement is the fruit of our efforts for the continuous development of the performance and efficiency of ANB’s electronic delivery channels. This supports our strategy to focus on customer care through various communication channels.”
Alsadah said: “Arab National Bank is committed to take advantage of cutting edge technology to make banking a more convenient and rewarding experience without compromising on the high level of security.”
ANB Mobile is a user friendly app. Transactions are easily performed in as few steps as possible.
All data required to post transactions is clearly and conveniently displayed to customers.
In addition to the swift execution of transactions, customers can switch between different services in a flexible manner.
The ease and flexibility were the essential features that resulted in high customer satisfaction with ANB Mobile App.
ANB Mobile App enables customers to post various transactions from their mobiles anytime and anywhere, both in and out of the Kingdom.
Installing the ANB Mobile App from the Apple AppStore is quick and easy.
The Application currently runs on iPhone, and in the near future on Android Platform.
ANB Mobile Service rated best among Saudi banks
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