Saudi family on tour in South Africa robbed

An armed gang robbed a five-member Saudi family that was headed to a zoo while touring South Africa, the Saudi mission in Johannesburg has said.
The family, a mother and four children, was surprised to find out that the driver took a different path. Saudi Arabia's ambassador to South Africa, Abdullah Al-Madi, said the Saudi mission plans to file a lawsuit against the transport company that allegedly endangered the family.
Al-Madi said the family had arrived at Johannesburg Airport and were driven to a hotel in the city.
The armed gang robbed the family of their luggage and about $1,500. They were held, but later freed, the envoy said.
A team from the embassy went to family’s hotel and was informed on the details of the incident.
The family was given two choices: Either return to the Kingdom or stay. The family opted to stay and proceed on their tour to different cities, he said.
The family was among three families that arrived in South Africa on a tourist visas. Two buses moved from the hotel where the families were residing and headed for the zoo in the city. One of the buses took another route. The gang members seized seven cell phones, an iPad, a video camera and jewelry from the victims.