Kohinoor Toastmasters Club turns 16


Kohinoor Toastmasters Club in Riyadh, which produced two district level champions this year, celebrated its 16th anniversary and conducted the induction ceremony.
Elected and installed as officers for 2013-2014 are Ashfaq Ahmed, president; Sujeeth Kumar, vice president for education; Navaz Rasheed, VP for membership; Abu Anas Suleiman, VP for PR; Venu Poduval, secretary; Krishnakumar, treasurer; and Kishore Kumar, sergeant-at-arms.
Outgoing President Sivadas Warrier in his video presentation exemplified the significance of team spirit for the success of the club.
Division B Governor-elect Syed Waqas congratulated Warrier on leaving a legacy of producing two district champions in a program year, a feat achieved and a history made in the community. The club could achieve this, focusing on three main aspects of toast mastering — empowerment of members, retention of members, and by defining the purpose and values of Toastmaster-ing.
The event included a presentation on osteoporosis by Dr. Vinod Kumar of KIMS Hospital, Riyadh. Also, there were various entertainment programs by the family members of the club. The event was chaired by Krishnakumar and the program was conducted by Suleiman and Kishore Kumar.
Speakers highlighted the fact that the modern world belongs to good communicators.
Among those who witnessed the event were Kohinoor club members and their families, Division B Governor-elect Syed Waqas, Division B Governor Arcee Corres, Area 22 Governor-elect, Sunila Chaku, Aasima Salim, principal of Yara international School, and Gaveliers of Yara school, and Toastmasters from other clubs in the area.