Business ethics symposium boon for Jubail contractors

Business ethics and fraud awareness have become topics of growing concern in corporate boardrooms around the world. Hence, and as part of Saudi Aramco Shell Refinery (SASREF) social responsibility, Sasref is organizing a Business Ethics Symposium on June 1 in Jubail Industrial City.
This symposium is aimed at bringing government agencies, industry leaders, and contractors together to encourage business leaders and employees to take proactive steps to minimize the impact of fraud through promoting anti-fraud awareness and culture. This symposium will also explore best practices and challenges in business ethics and ethics education.
The symposium will update all contractors and vendors on SASREF Supplier Code of Conduct, explore how to develop and implement an effective business ethics and fraud awareness program. The one day symposium will examine the timely and important topic of ethics and its relevance and importance to overall corporate well being.
SASREF President Abdullah Al-Baiz explained that by organizing such an important event, SASREF is trying to achieve several objectives, including creating awareness of business ethics and fraud control measures in the Jubail Industrial Community and sharing business ethics and values. The targeted audience of this symposium includes the contractors and suppliers in the Jubail Industrial Area.
The event will also highlight to all contractors/vendors that integrity is one of SASREF’s values and that ethical behavior is the responsibility of every one.”