Saudi women seek equal membership in sports clubs

The Youth Welfare Office is studying the issue of Saudi businesswomen supporting sports clubs and whether they should be given honorary or ordinary membership, according to Ahmed Rosie, director of the Youth Welfare Office in Jeddah.
There are no specific rules that prevent or allow women to be members in local sports clubs.
However, Rosie said that women should donate money until the issue is discussed properly.
“So far there is no specific system that prevents women from being sports club members in the country,” said Rosie. “There have never been women members. This means that women are entitled to provide the clubs with moral and financial support as donors. This will happen with the provision of certain services or facilities to the club without any official order, (and with the woman) knowing she does not have the right to obtain an honorary or regular membership.”
Lina Almaeena, cofounder and director of the Jeddah United Sports Company and captain of the Jeddah United basketball team, is optimistic about this news and believes donation is the first step forward on the issue.
“It’s not a gender issue,” Almaeena said. “I believe that anyone who is familiar with the game and the rules should qualify to be members of any club and not just football. There are a good number of women who are into sports and they should have the opportunity to invest and be part of the club.”
Women should wait for the privatization of all sports clubs, said Maher Bondakji, chairman of the board of directors of Al-Marabie and former candidate for the presidency of the Ittihad Saudi football team.
“There should be special and tailored rules for women sports club members that enables them to attend the meetings and visit the team. It is a great step for businesswomen and those women who have money in the bank.”
“To be honest our sports clubs need their opinions and suggestions because women have the right to join like men,” said Bondakji.
Hanan Al-Faisal, businesswoman and Al-Ahli football team fan, said: “This is a brilliant move for Saudi women and I believe many women would love to invest in their favorite clubs especially football teams. But why do they limit women to donate money only and not be decision makers.”