Riyadh governor to launch SR 1.6 bn water projects

Riyadh governor to launch SR 1.6 bn water projects
Updated 20 March 2013

Riyadh governor to launch SR 1.6 bn water projects

Riyadh governor to launch SR 1.6 bn water projects

Riyadh Gov. Prince Khaled bin Bandar is launching projects costing SR 1.6 billion in April to add 200,000 cubic meters of water per day for Riyadh. This follows the implementation of projects to support water resources in Riyadh within six months by National Water Company (NWC).
Prince Khaled will formally inaugurate the projects on April 6, in presence of Riyadh Province Deputy Gov. Prince Turki bin Abdullah, Abdullah Al-Hussayen, minister of water and electricity and chairman of the NWC, and members of the company’s board of directors.
Spokesman of NWC announced that the urgent projects aim at improving water sources and filling the gap in water volumes allocated for the city. NWC will drill 43 wells, and build 27 water desalination plants, in addition to tanks and pumps, at different locations in Riyadh. The company announced that it has reduced implementation period from 18 months (the time required for the implementation of similar projects) to only six months. NWC started implementation in October 2012.
According to NWC, certain locations have already been completed ahead of the deadline, such as Dhahrat Laban district at western Riyadh, which produces up to 15,000 m3/day. The location includes three reverse osmosis purification plants with production capacity of 5000 m3/day, and is supplied from underground wells of depths between 1,500 to 1,700 meters, in addition to water bottling project station project, which has been completed within only 5 months. The station is applying highest standards of environmental protection, and is equipped with an integrated customer service office.
NWC is preparing for operation of other purification plants, with production capacity of 5,000 to 10,000 m3/day, at 23 locations inside Riyadh within a short time, before the advent of summer season. Districts include Al-Qairawan, Al-Narjis, Al-Rimal, Al-Badia, Al-Diraya, Arqa, Al-Fawaz, Al-Jazira, Al-Miazliya, Al-Khaleej, Al-Sahafa and Al-Suwaidi. Combined production capacity of Al-Buwaib and Salboukh plants will be increased by 70,000 m3/day.
NWC said its team of engineers had designed strategies and plans for implementing the projects. They have been won by three local and international companies, namely Korean Saudi Dingo Ltd., Nisma Global Water and Energy Technologies International in alliance with Water and Environment Technology and Tiko, and the Saudi Electrical and Mechanical Works Ltd., in partnership with Daijerimont (France) and the National Water Works Company. In addition, Icom (US), Argon (UK) and HGBD Arabia are assisting in the management and supervision of the project.
NWC stated that the urgent projects to support water resources in Riyadh come at a time when the Saudi capital is experiencing rapid growth in population, urban and economic sectors. Statistics of the Ministry of Economy and Planning show that Riyadh population is growing by 4.2 percent of the Kingdom’s total population. Population of Riyadh reached 5.2 million in 2012.