CMA’s interactive website reaches 3.5 m persons

CMA’s interactive website reaches 3.5 m persons
Updated 27 February 2013

CMA’s interactive website reaches 3.5 m persons

CMA’s interactive website reaches 3.5 m persons

The Capital Market Authority (CMA) launched the English version of its interactive website “The Smart Investor,” its nationwide program that targets children to raise their financial awareness as potential future investors.
The website offers a wide variety of options for youngsters to enrich their financial knowledge in a fun way suitable for their ages. The website includes money competitions, financial tips, games, electronic painting panels, applications, and several forums. Children can also read about the stories of its several cartoon characters in “The Smart Investor” stories section.
The program is a continuation of CMA’s efforts to raise financial literacy and investor awareness among the general public to create a healthier financial environment for future generations.
Last year The Smart Investor program reached a target audience of 3.5 million in Saudi Arabia via its participation in numerous public events, malls, and visits to public and private schools all across the country.
The interactive website can be reached at