The South Korean air force has posted a “Les Miserables” video parody on YouTube, complete with snow-shoveling airmen, a lovelorn military service conscript and a vindictive superior officer. The 14-minute video, entitled “Les Militaribles”, has garnered more than 400,000 views in just a few days and even received a Twitter nod from one of the stars of the Hollywood version, Russell Crowe. The parody uses the same famous score for the musical’s big numbers “Look Down”, “I Dreamed a Dream” and “Do You Hear the People Sing?” but replaces the original lyrics with an alternative Korean-language version. In the opening scene, young airmen doing their military service labor at clearing a runway after a heavy snowfall. “Look Down” becomes “Dig Down” as the conscripts chant: “Dig down, dig down, and clear the snow below... there is no end to this accursed snow.”