Rawabi Holding backs supports green campaign


With support from and in collaboration with the Alkhobar District Municipality and Giving Hands Volunteers, including e-support from Alkhobar.net, Rawabi Holding went on a second clean-up round recently as part of a joint and sustained environmental awareness campaign to clean the main roads in the city, involving volunteering Rawabi Holding employees, students and residents.
Seventy participants showed up to volunteer all eager to keep their environment green.
That number only counts those who could actually come to Alkhobar Corniche.
Rawabi Holding’s crew also gave a chance to those who couldn’t participate directly on the ground to give a hand from distance by donating their plastic shopping bags so that the volunteers could re-use them in the campaign.
Sheikh Abdul-Aziz bin Ali Al-Turki, group chairman of Rawabi Holding, expressed his gratitude toward community associations such as Giving Hands who support such activities.
He said: “When we did our first clean-up we knew that this would start affecting the youth positively only if we sustained it to prove the importance of preserving our environment. If we are to develop our environment and keep it safe we cannot change habits unless we insist on putting them into action.”
He added: “Moreover this can only strengthen a sense of community to reflect the campaign’s slogan “one street a time” which cannot be done unless we work as one hand. So let’s treat our cities like our homes just like Islam instructed us to.”
Alkhobar District Mayor Assem Abdullatif Al-Mulla said: “Such initiatives actually enhance the spirit of volunteering which is much needed in our country. ‘Pick it up’ reflects on the municipality’s direction to both enhance volunteering and preserving our environment.”
The volunteers wore branded T-shirts and caps and helped to clean the facilities of Alkhobar Corniche.